New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce

Minimum and maximum quantity rules for products, orders and categories.

Push customer to create an order per sku


I set restriction max QTY for some of my product to limit that the weight of the parcel (impose by carrier). The problem customer buy other similar products in order to reach free shipping.

So for this product I would like to be able to set a thick box/field “You can buy only this sku/product” or something like that…

Thanks for considering.




Current Status


Last updated: January 17, 2024

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  1. jaskyt8 says:
    Product developer December 10, 2024 7:52 am

    Hey Stéphane,

    Thank you for getting in touch!

    Good idea trying to use Min/Max Quantities to ensure that the total weight order does not surpass the weight restrictions set by the carrier you use. However, Conditional Shipping and Payments: is a better choice for preventing customers from checking out if their order is overweight. In your case, you could set up a Shipping Methods Restriction to hide all Shipping Methods if the order weight is greater than the allowed weight.

    If you have any questions about using Conditional Shipping and Payments for this use case, don’t hesitate to get in touch via: