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WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping

Easily offer shipping rates based on the distance or total travel time to your customer.

Shipping rates based on distance – specific solution

Hi there,

I am interested in your App, but have couple of question before the purchase.

I am running a food delivery service, working with differnet restaurants in the small city of Germany – Passau.

Our business model is quite specific and requires custom solution for the shipping rates based on distance.

1. Our customers can order from several restaurants within one order. We charge a shipping fee per restaurant. If customer orders from 2 or more restaurants – they sum up in the checkout. Does your app allow to do this? With our current solution it works with tags of products – each restaurant has the products with their own tag and the app pulls the rates based on those.

2. If previous feature is possible – is it also possible to show a list of all the pulled shipping rates in the checkout? E.g. “Delivery from MaxBurger – 2,99€”
“Delivery from MaxPizza – 2,99€”
“Total delivery fee: 5,98€”
and so on.

3. Can your app calculate the shipping rate based on the distance from our office (always only one address) to the address of the customer incrementaly? E.g. Base rate is 2,99€. Rate for the distance over 1km is 3,49€; for distance over 1,5km – 3,99km, over 2km – 4,49€ and so on.

4. If above mentioned features are possible – can it be also combined? Incremental & combined rates working together.

5. Can your app calculate the distance based on the walking or air route? This is also vital, because calculations based on car / bicycle routes are inaccurate due to a lot of one-way streets in our city.

5. If some (or all) of the above mentioned is not currently possible in your app – would you be able to custom make it for my store?

Thank you in advance for your response.

Kind regards,



Current Status


Last updated: January 31, 2023


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  1. Yohann ROBERT says:

    Have EXACTLY the same issue ! desperatly looking for a plugin that make distance calculation from 3 different “shipping from locations”

  2. labaladeh says:

    Did you find an asnwer to your question? I have a similar issue