Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Point of Sale for WooCommerce

An advanced toolkit for placing in-store orders through a WooCommerce based Point of Sale (POS) interface.

Tax Based on Outlet if Walkout but on Shipping Location if Shipped

We are in California, USA. We are required to charge tax based on the store’s location if the customer walks out of the store with the product, but if we are shipping the product to the customer, we are required to charge the tax based on the shipping location.

We currently can only select to set tax based on the outlet OR on the shipping location. This requires us to choose shipping location and then set a fake shipping address for the customer to our store every time. That seems like a lot of extra steps that are really unnecessary.

And this isn’t just something we “want” to do. This is a requirement of the state tax authority.



Current Status


Last updated: August 23, 2024


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