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Sensei LMS Course Participants for WooCommerce

Increase course enrolments by showing site visitors just how popular your courses are.

teacher contact student

as a teacher using sensei I would like to send messages to students that are currently taking the courses. this does not exist. as of now, students can send a message to the teacher but the teacher cannot initiate and send the message. is that possible to add or is there a plugin for this.


Current Status


Last updated: April 30, 2019


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  1. Christopher Clark says:

    Notifying students about something is an important piece of functionality that should be implemented. For example, if I want to motivate students so that they have (read more about writing inspiration here -> writing inspiration before they start writing their homework, then I would like all students to see my ad.

  2. Richard Racette says:

    Excellent instruction, thank you! I’d like to take this course, but now there is no possibility. I’m busy preparing a research paper. Although this source helps me most of the work I still need to prepare. I’d like to finish faster and start studying this course.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I need that too!