I believe this has been mentioned before on this page, however, I just recently purchased Product Vendors, having moved over to WooCommerce from Dokan. Dokan actually had a very nice Multi-Vendor platform, and I really didn’t want to leave there, however, their atrocious customer support forced me to. I just discovered that you don’t have the ability to use API to download shipping rates for the Multi-Vendors in the checkout. I REALLY hope you will implement that soon. When you leave too much flexibility open to a large group of people, such as the vendors, that is very often very problematic and ultimately inefficient for the store owners, having to deal with the things that people do. At Dokan, they had this ability to use those rates and it would automatically give the shipping money to the vendors and allow them to print shipping labels. When working properly, this was EXTREMELY very smooth and efficient, and offered the cheapest shipping rates available. Unfortunately for Dokan, their customer support regarding any question at all made it absolutely impossible to function properly. Woo Commerce customer support is one of the BEST out there, so if you can possible add this functionality, it would be so much better for the Multi-Vendor platform, which can bring large numbers of people to any website using it. Thank you for your time 🙂
Last updated: July 20, 2023
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