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WooCommerce Shipping

by  Woo
Print USPS and DHL labels right from your WooCommerce dashboard and instantly save on shipping. WooCommerce Shipping is free to use and saves you time and money.

USPS Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) for shipping labels

For bulk shipping of packages, USPS provides a service called Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN), which allows people to print out a bar code to scan that will represent 10s of packages at a time.

WooCommerce Services plugin makes creating and buying USPS labels convenient, but it would be more convenient for those who have hundreds of orders a day to take these created labels and tracking numbers to reduce the time the post office takes to scan all the packages into the system.

You can find the API here:

This idea is similar to the one below but takes it further:


Current Status


Last updated: May 31, 2019


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  1. Philip Pepin says:

    Could really use this feature!

  2. charlesedwin says:

    The postmaster is now almost demanding a scan form to take our larger shipments Trying to figure out balk is available so we can get it, but it is looking like we may have to drop woo shipping

  3. kcjpro says:

    The local USPS store is getting very frustrated with us dropping off up to 100 packages a day without a scan sheet. There are other WordPress shipping plugins that allow the ability to print a Scan sheet. It isn’t that difficult and if this can’t be implemented soon I will need to ditch Woocommerce Shipping and use a different plugin.

  4. jordanmwilli says:

    I have my local post office pretty much demanding I use the SCAN form to make it easier for them to scan in all my packages (about 50 a day). This feature would still be welcomed if you can add it!

  5. Scott says:

    Definitely need this. My local post office doesn’t allow for large bulk drop offs at the counter so I need to use this form. Using pirate ship but it adds extra steps that I wish I didn’t have.

    WooCommerce should build this function in.

  6. BL says:

    Please include this feature! Like everyone else has said, it’s something that would help tremendously. The Post office no longer accepts bulk drop offs. It would be much easier to have this a part of the Woocommerce framework. Otherwise, the larger a business grows, the more hassle creating shipments through Woocommerce becomes – and the lease likely a business is to stick around when they can go over to Shopify and other such places to save time and money.

  7. Ryan Ryan says:

    We either need to switch now from Woo which has kept our store going for awhile now or find a solution to the SCAN sheet problem.

    Our post offices are not excepting our bulk orders any more, so I doubt Ill have time to wait for this to be implemented though I thought I would pay it forward and vote here.

  8. Bill says:

    I now buy most of my postage through Pirate Ship. They have API integrations with WooCommerce where they can import all of your orders, and then send shipping notifications through WooCommerce. And they support SCAN sheets!

  9. Yed Ehd says:

    For shipping labels you have some other tools that can hep you to clear this process in an easy way check here some details about it.

  10. Kate says:

    Yes PLEASE, my local post office people are starting to get cranky at me for not having a scan sheet!

  11. Hernan says:

    This would be great! The workers at my local post office keep asking me to provide them with this form.

  12. Katherine says:

    We are in desperate need for this feature! We are shipping out a TON of items and not having this is causing considerable grief!

  13. John says:

    This is also a feature we’re in need of. I’ll actually be moving away from WooCommerce Services for shipping because my local post office is requiring a SCAN form. It’s clear to me already that the plugin I’ll be moving to is inferior, but I don’t have a lot of choice in the matter.

  14. Bill says:

    Your shipping provider EasyPost provides an API for creating SCAN forms. Please do this! I’m switching back to Pirate Ship until WooCommerce can integrate this functionality.

  15. Micah says:

    Found another similar idea as well, specifically good functionality to be able to review the day’s orders for shipping:

  16. CM says:

    Also desperately seeking this, as it seems post offices are moving towards this as their standard for small business ecommerce location drops.