New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Price Calculator for WooCommerce

Add measurement-based price calculators to let your customers calculate product price in real-time by entering their required size.

Variations and stock compatibility


We sell springs for garage doors.
Springs that we buy are 3m long and we have 23 variations for two main types of springs. Springs we sell have the same variations, but are cut to customer’s request from 40cm to 150cm increasing by 1cm.

Types will be different products, so let’s talk about variations.

The 23 variations will then be cut and sold by length, so we will need a plugin that fixes a base price for the single variation and that allows to increase the price by a preset value for each +1 cm the customer chooses.

We also need a minimum and maximum value allowed, (because 3,5m springs don’t exist).

We also need to update the stock quantity in order to know the warehouse stock.

Does this plugin have the described features?

(sorry for my English, hope It’s clear!)

Thank you and All the best!!


Here below the link of the sandbox website.


Spsace Agency

Current Status


Last updated: July 21, 2023

1 comment

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  1. Addify says:
    Product developer July 25, 2023 7:23 am


    Yes, you can use the base price for the single variation by selecting use standard price as unit price from our plugin settings.

    Yes, it is possible you need to select the minimum and maximum length from our plugin settings.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

    Thank you,