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added by Latoya

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WooCommerce Bookings

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

WC Bookings Vendor Google Calendar Sync

Currently the WC Bookings plugin allows the admin to sync their WordPress calendar with their Google calendar which is great but I am also using the WC Vendors plugin and it would be very useful if all of the vendors could also sync their WordPress calendars with google.


Current Status


Last updated: April 2, 2015


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  1. web321co says:

    We need this. If it’s not available as a feature, I wonder: is it hookable? Can I add in new code through an add-on plugin to allow individual vendors to sync their calendars? Who’s interested in me doing this?

    All the best,


  2. topu119 says:

    Dear Admin, Are you dead? Please add vendor google calendar sync.

  3. elbuendonrafael says:

    8 years!

  4. elbuendonrafael says:

    As other guys have already commented: It’s crazy that this isn’t part of the plugin already. it should also include other calendars (apple, Microsoft, etc)

  5. starnebula9 says:

    One of the biggest issues we have with the “zapier” solution is that it requires the site admin to have access to the vendors’ google accounts in order to connect to a calendar. This creates a huge issue with trust and being able to allow vendors to prevent bookings from being made that conflict with their schedules. HUGE ISSUE! This should be included in the plugin since it boasts about being compatible with Product Vendors

  6. starnebula9 says:

    I can’t believe this request is over 8 years old an hasn’t been implemented. If you are going to sell Product Vendors a compatable plugin with Bookings, then this should be a no brainer that Vendors would have their own Calendars to manage, not the main account. Vendors is being sold as a marketplace plugin “like amazon” so… this should have been added yesteryear.

  7. orangemosscreative says:

    Yes, this feature would be incredibly valuable!

  8. advercado says:

    This really is an issue if trying to work with existing businesses. WE NEED THIS FEATURE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

  9. myshootingphotowp says:

    It’s really what’s missing and why i can not start with WooCommerce Bookings right now…

  10. hwaelch says:

    Very much agree. It’s crazy to me that this isn’t part of the plugin already. Calendar management is one of the key pain points vendors face. I’m speaking to developers right now to get this custom-built but would of course prefer for WooCommerce to solve this holistically.

  11. gevorgbuh says:

    I need this too!

  12. Adam says:

    Need this asap. For many setups the plugin basically doesn’t work without this.

  13. David says:


    SAD to see this has been requested almost 6 years ago and nothing has happened….

  14. Gevorg Avdzhyan says:

    Synchronization with many Google calendars is needed for sure! Perhaps this can be done without the vendor plugin or with it! The main thing is that the synchronization between service providers and the site should be ensured using popular booking calendars.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is very needed and would make linking other app calendars like Airbnb, Turo, etc much easier to sync availability between services. There should also be an option to link external calendar urls to the internal ical for each products/resource etc.

    It is very unprofessional when someone books something and then I have to call to tell them it’s not available because it was already booked.

  16. ArchArcon88 says:

    What about apple calendar? or Icalendar?

  17. Brandon says:

    This would be so helpful. Our nonprofit allows for profit vendors to create profiles on our website and sell their services at discounted rates to the people we work with. They have been saying that the difficult thing about the setup is that they have to manually make availability changes on both their calendars and the one on our site, which takes a lot of time. Having individual calendar syncs would free up their time so they can provide better value to our beneficiaries.

  18. Kurt Trew says:

    This would be very useful. +1 from me.

  19. michele rallo says:

    anyone having business with multi vendor web site selling booking and accommodation need this feature to sync Their own system menagment to our multi vendor website.

  20. Anonymous says:

    This is a good idea but perhaps Google Calendar synchronization should be at the resource level as this is where availability is determined. If calendar sync was at this level resources could be allocated to vendors to achieve vendor calendar sync

  21. Anonymous says:

    Too bad that it is still not a feature. Many people are looking for the same functionality. Maybe other plugins will have this function.

  22. Douglas Dewey says:

    There is an argument for calendar sync at the store, vendor and resource level with a cascading priority. We are now in a global shut down due to COVID-19 and need to update all availabilities as soon as we can.

    A better method of two way integration than the current 1-minute polling is required as it takes up space and makes unnecessary calls to Google.

    Two-way integration should also support the deletion of an event on the Google calendar.

  23. Jeffrey Tom says:

    Badly needed especially now.

  24. Sally says:

    yes this is urgently needed and the number of people in each booking also needs to be included in the information exported to google calendar f ro vendors and admin. For anyone selling blocks with people, this is absolutely essential.

  25. LNIAB says:

    I just bought the Vendors and Bookings extensions for sole purpose of this feature. It is so obvious that I didn’t even bother to check it before buying and now so disappointed and shocked to see it is not there yet!!!