Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Product Vendors for WooCommerce

Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace

WC Product Vendor Shortcodes request

looking for more shortcode options to display custom vendor information for the WooCommerce Product Vendors plugin. So far it is just the basics vendors list with name and logo as available options. Notes from support on my issue. ” I understand you want to know if there is a shortcode you could use to display the Vendor’s profile and logo.

To display a list of all vendors, you can use the shortcode [wcpv_vendor_list]. Available attributes are “show_name” and “show_logo”. So for example, [wcpv_vendor_list show_name=true] would display the vendor list with names.

There is no shortcode for displaying information about a single vendor – but you could use the Vendor Widget to display information about a single vendor in the following ways:”


Current Status


Last updated: June 7, 2022


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