New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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WooCommerce Brands

Create, assign and list brands for products, and allow customers to view by brand.

woocommerce brands fatal error

Hi I am a paid subscriber of woocommerce brands and after the most recent update to version 1.6.46 my site has now triggering a fetal error and the error massage is called in the class-wc-brands.php line 418 the ( error is: Parse error, unexpected ‘=” Can you please advice on how to fix as my technical ability is limited or if you could supply my the previous version until a fix available.
I have also received a massage from google informing me about the issue that there scan has picked up and that will affect my sites ranking which I worked so hard to build over the years.
I would appreciate an urgent response. Thank you Richard


Richard Cholakian

Current Status


Last updated: April 16, 2023


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