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WooCommerce Memberships

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts.

WooCommerce Memberships: bbPress integration

This would add the ability to restrict forums, topics, and replies from bbPress to members with WooCommerce memberships. This could also have advanced features, such as the ability to make profiles public / restricted.

bbPress users, what’s important to restrict? How would you like to protect forums to members?


Current Status


Last updated: July 5, 2015


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  1. Johnny says:

    You can “technically” place a forum behind a membership. HOWEVER, each topic that is added to that forum has to be manually placed into protected content for that membership level, or any logged in user can still access it – such as through Recent Topics/Replies widgets. The topics don’t automatically inherit the protection of the forum it’s under. This is CRAZY!

  2. Sammy says:

    Allowing at a minimum the title and an except to be visible to non-logged in users and non-members is essential to allow search engines to index your forum and thereby drive traffic to your forum.

  3. Robert says:

    I would like to have an option set at joining where premium memberships can join and post and regular memberships join and not be able to post but still see the forums, topics, and replys.

  4. Victor says:

    Please….more integration on profiles

  5. Robert says:

    The woo membership status should be able to control posting privilege’s thereby overriding bbPress’s participant role.

  6. Phillip Johnston says:

    Lack of integration with bbPress will cause me to get a refund for WooCommerce Memberships to go with Memberpress.

  7. Guillem says:

    If it worked well, I would be happy!

  8. Laura says:

    This would add the ability to restrict forums, topics, and replies from bbPress to members with WooCommerce memberships. This could also have advanced features, such as the ability to make profiles public / restricted.

    bbPress users, what’s important to restrict? How would you like to protect forums to members?

  9. Jason says:

    I would like more options for the fine grained control of content restriction. I want to be able to ‘hide my content’ completely for forums, but ‘redirect to another page’ for other types of content.

  10. Michael says:

    I would definitely like to see this. I can’t believe it is already not a part of Memberships.

  11. Moshe says:

    Would love a better integration with bbpress!

  12. Jennifer Van Camp says:

    All of my BBpress client websites have some type of membership fee attached to them. Full integration between the two plugins would be wonderful. User type integration, having memberships assign user type in bbress. Having integration between subscriptions and BBpress would be wonderful as well, having a bbpress user profile shown/hidden with an active/inactive subscription would be ideal.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I am working on a school website. Their SMF forum is where they do most of their communication. I am porting that to bbpress to take advantage of one signon for all features in the site. The private content was easy to protect. I have yet to get Memberships to protect the bbpress forum, despite following the bbpress instructions. It’d be great if I could just say “protect the forum using this membership” the same way I say “protect this post category using this membership.” Not sure that Woo Memberships will be the plugin for us if I can’t get this to work.

  14. Hannah Smith says:

    I would like more options for the fine grained control of content restriction. I want to be able to ‘hide my content’ completely for forums, but ‘redirect to another page’ for other types of content.

  15. Dan says:

    I restrict access to member only forums in the membership plan, but it does nothing. Non members see it and can access it at will. I do not see any integration with BBPress as it is.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Did this ever happen? I need the ability to restrict my premium forum to only paid subscribers.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Protecting the bbpress forums completely by redirecting to a page is not the bad thing but that this option is a global decision. I could not find a way to protect the forums completely while at the same time feeding excerpts of pages or posts to my visitors.

  18. jb510 says:

    Need to be able to show forums, without the ability to click through and see topics/replies.

    Need to be able to show topics (titles) without the ability to click through and see replies.

    Need to restrict by subscription product (using Propress’s subscriptions), which isn’t clear if that’s what this does…. hoping it at least does that.

    Restrict by a specific user and a custom user role, such that is cascades from forums>topics>replies.

  19. Ana Cláudia Vaz says:

    this really has to happen….we have a social network association, internacional and using other professional member plugin for members checout, no sense.
    also the ability to badget the profiles would be nice

  20. Anonymous says:

    Please give more functionality with BBpres

  21. Eugenio says:

    I need totally hide forums in “hide content only” mode.
    This is because I use WooCommerce Memberships for any few types of contents with differents restrictions.

  22. PS says:

    I would also love to see a better integration into bbpress or BuddyPress. This is a must-have for us.

  23. Christopher Cantwell says:

    I’d like to see this. I just started using memberships and subscriptions and I’m trying to create a members only forum.

  24. Fidel Torres says:

    Give private forums for each member ship group. Allow nonmembers to access only public forums.

  25. anonymous says:

    I would like to restrict the entire forum to members.