BST Category | Sitewide Banner Q1 2025

Added by Marketing - Russell L

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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Woocommerce subscriptions – late fees / variable billing interval

Allow a variable interval for subscription products. For example:

$50 for first 5 weeks and then $10 per week.

(In our case this would provide for a 5 week hire and then $10 week late fees until the product is returned).


Current Status


Last updated: November 11, 2013


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  1. George says:

    Your example doesn’t really show the benefit of your idea. It would make more sense if the weeks after 5 were $20.

  2. George says:

    When reading this title I was thinking of late fees automatically added to any renewal order that is not paid on time.