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Products Visibility by User Roles for WooCommerce

Manage catalog visibility based on user roles.

Products Visibility by User Roles extension enables you to hide products and categories for specific user roles. You can manage visibility for multiple user roles, and display a custom error message or redirect to another URL when a user tries to access a restricted product or category.

You can also manage visibility for guest users, and choose to allow/disallow Google to rank the restricted pages. The products will remain hidden from shop, categories, search, and other listing pages.

Product Visibility by User Role is available in our B2B extension for WooCommerce – an ultimate B2B & B2C wholesale solution.
Want to hide variations by user roles as well? Checkout our Variations visibility by user roles extension.

Show or hide products by user role

WooCommerce Hide Products Visibility by User Role offers two ways to manage your catalog visibility:

1)  Hide Products

With the “Hide” feature, you can choose to hide selected products and categories from specific user roles and guests. For example, if you choose to hide product A and category B from general customers, they will remain hidden for general customers only whereas the other users will be able to view them.

2)  Show (Assign) Products

Instead of hiding, you can choose to “Show” i.e., assign products and categories from specific user roles and guests. By using this feature, you can limit the catalog visibility for any user role. No other products will be visible except the ones you have assigned them.

For example, If you choose to show product A and category B to wholesale customers, they will remain visible to wholesale customers only whereas all other products and categories will no longer be displayed. At the same time, by using the “global visibility” settings you can hide product A and category B from guests and all registered customers. This will make product A and category B explicit to wholesale user role only.

WooCommerce hide product

Show custom message or redirect to another link:

The extension comes with 2 different redirection modes that allow you to redirect users to another URL or show them a custom message.  You customize different error messages and redirection links for different user roles.

Global settings to hide products for guests & registered users

You can hide products and categories from guests and registered users. This global WooCommerce hide product feature comes in handy when you want to hide your entire store or specific products from guests and all registered users irrespective of their user role.

Allow search engines to rank your pages

You can choose to allow/disallow search engines to crawl and rank your private products and categories that are restricted for guest users.


Can I hide the entire catalog from guest users?

Yes, you can hide the entire catalog from guest users.

Can I hide the complete category from guest users?

Yes, you can hide the category and its products. Please note the category links will may remain visible, however, when a restricted user will click on those, they will see the restriction message that the category is not available for them.

Can I show a specific product or category to retailers only and keep it hidden for everyone else? How do we do that?

Yes, You can assign a specific product or category to 1 or more user roles and keep it hidden for the other registered and guest users. See the documentation on how to do this.

The hidden products will no longer be visible in the shop, categories, and search result pages?

Yes, the hidden products will no longer be displayed in listing and search result pages. If a customer accesses it with a direct link, a custom error message will be displayed. However, in some cases, you might need to remove them manually from your menu.

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