A Help Desk App Built On WordPress?

So much goodness.

It’s been only just over a month since Jay and Mike released FaultPress – an advanced bug tracking application theme, but they didn’t just stop there, they went straight back to the drawing board, read all our community’s recommendations and suggestions and started developing a new, more general usage support theme catering for a wider range of niches. We are proud to release that theme today – introducing SupportPress.

SupportPress, our second application style theme is designed to create a clean and simple, yet powerful help desk using WordPress core functionality. Customers can submit support requests, but are encouraged to check an intuitive knowledgebase to learn if their issues have already been resolved. Agents (your staff) administrate tickets by setting priorities and delegating tasks to fellow team members.

The solution is perfect for web designers, hosting companies, app developers, training academies, to name but a few examples. It takes WordPress as a content management system and turns it into a basic customer relationship management system.

Once again Jay has worked his magic with the intuitively laid out responsive CSS3 design, tested on iPhones, iPads, and MacBook Pros set at various resolutions, not to forget all the uglier web browsers (you know which ones we’re talking about), whilst Mike has done an astounding job in building a stable help desk on top of the WordPress core framework, keeping the code clean and bloat free.

Another responsive beauty coded by Jay Koster.

The knowledgebase can house commonly asked questions, and the feature I really like is that you can even convert a support ticket to a knowledgebase article at the click of a button if you are an administrator. You can also easily set your latest blog post as an alert if, for example you are a host company experiencing downtime – this will appear at the top of your homepage for all site visitors.

You can also make your whole site private, accessible only by registered members of the help desk, this is set in the SupportPress theme options.

Adding a ticket with SupportPress

In SupportPress you can even communicate with your agents and manage private information with messages. Think of messages like a blog, but one which is only accessible by your own team. Nifty.

A ticket, with the ability to ‘watch’ it to receive further communication on this support query.

Deciding what to screenshot and preview in this blog post has been difficult, as there is so much functionality packed into this theme that deserves highlighting. I haven’t even touched on the professionally styled email messages agents and customers receive.

The best way to get an understanding of what is achievable with this theme is to view the demo, read more about the functionality if offers on the theme listing page, and even test it out on the theme playground.

As an administrator converting a support ticket to a knowledgebase article is easy. Take note of the sexy, animated CSS3 buttons.

Competition Time (Again)!

As with Editorial’s release last week, we’d like to give you the opportunity to win a lifetime Developer Subscription to the WooThemes club by simply sharing the news about SupportPress’s release and telling us what you think of this new functionality in the comments below.

Use the coupon code “SUPPORTPRESS11” to get 11% discount on your purchase of SupportPress (valid until 11 July). Come on, we know you want to… 🙂
Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. This looks awesome, and I can’t wait to try it out. Are support tickets private by default? For example, if someone sends in a new support request, will that be private for us to answer in WordPress, or will it be a public question by default? Also, can tickets be emailed into SupportPress? For example, can you setup all emails to support@mysite.com to be imported as new support tickets? If so, I’m ready to switch 🙂

    Beautiful design, too! Great work, WooTeam!

    Matthew Guay
    July 6, 2011
    • Tickets are private by default 🙂

      Setting up the email to ticket system is possible but reliant on parameters on your server being met. Plus it’s tricky to develop.

      We’ll be adding it as a feature if demand is great enough.

      July 6, 2011
      • Hey Jay, the creating a ticket from an email would be a killer feature. For me its critical really as users simply reply most of the time to support@website.com and it would be nice to generate a ticket from this. Will be looking out for this feature in a coming release. cheers

        James O'Sullivan
        July 6, 2011
      • Awesome, thanks for the info! Email import would be crucial for full adoption of SupportPress for me, though, as James said. I wonder: since you can post to WordPress via email, could that be changed to make new tickets with that address? If so, you could forward all new emails sent to support@yoursite.com to, say, ticket@yoursite.com which would be the address for WordPress import. Just a thought.

        Either way, if email support can be added, I’m certain I’ll have many clients interested in it!

        Matthew Guay
        July 6, 2011
      • Ticket creation via email would make this a “must have” theme.

        Dustyn Gobler
        July 8, 2011
  2. Really enjoying the way you guys are totally leveraging WP to come up with mini-applications that you just call ‘themes’.

    Loving it…Keep it up

    July 6, 2011
  3. Awesome theme functionality.
    Looking forward to try it.

    July 6, 2011
  4. WOW…. awesome theme…
    I was just searching for a similar thing… for one of my projects 🙂

    Rahul Sharma
    July 6, 2011
  5. “SupportPress you can even communicate with your agents and manage private information with messages.”

    It is really excellent and the Tickets, Alerts and Custom email notifications are great.

    Good Job! 🙂

    Suren H
    July 6, 2011
  6. Really love the customized display for different platforms

    July 6, 2011
  7. Been a huge fan of WooThemes from the get-go but these new specialty themes are amazing. I’ve been looking for a support app for our web design business so i was super excited to see this. I’m installing it as we speak…

    Rex Stevens
    July 6, 2011
    • Be sure to let us know what you think, anxious to hear. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      July 6, 2011
  8. This looks great.

    I think the demo link needs updating at the end of your post.

    Mark Casey
    July 6, 2011
    • On the supportpress theme page the add to knowledgebase and code features larger images are not opening

      July 6, 2011
      • Thanks Karan. Should be fixed now.

        Mark Forrester
        July 6, 2011
  9. Wow, this looks really cool !

    I would like to second the idea to integrate a mail to ticket feature. This would be the killer !!

    Achim Kirchmann
    July 6, 2011
    • +1

      James O'Sullivan
      July 6, 2011
    • +1

      July 6, 2011
    • +1

      Mark Bailey
      July 6, 2011
      • +1

        Gavin Botica
        July 7, 2011
    • +1

      Can’t wait this features!

      With ticket email creation feature I can switch from Zendesk to SupportPress 🙂

      Alex Grishin
      July 7, 2011
  10. I notice that a new ticket has a number of fields like Ticket Title, Type and Priority, is there a way to add some more fields? In order to make this usable for say a property website – I was hoping to have property address as one of the fields? Or property ID and then be able to search tickets by this field? This is just one example of how to make this theme have a more generic appeal. Maybe custom form builder? Looks great.

    James O'Sullivan
    July 6, 2011
  11. One thing not mentioned is the ability for users to create profiles, bios, and pics. That’s an interesting and well-designed feature.

    Drew Register
    July 6, 2011
  12. This looks outstanding! I’ve been having trouble with customizing FaultPress in a generic way. SupportPress has a few things that may work for me. I’m trying to figure out if a gated Knowledge Base is more benefitial than an open knowledge base.

    I’m trying to make my photography business website and set up much more than what many photographers would ever do. There’s always so much that confuses people about photography sessions and I want to make so I’m helping to educate along the way. My plan was to just uses simple pages to write content and link to it on an FAQ or Knowledge page. Would you see a benefit to using SupportPress over that idea? Eventually, I want to offer Wedding Websites to clients as well and I can see SupportPress being more helpful in that case.

    I’d love to hear what you think.

    Scott Webb
    July 6, 2011
    • I’d venture to say that you’d almost want an open forum with a support forum, if and when you started doing wedding websites.

      The open forum can be for general knowledge that people can share with each other as well as your articles. Then a more closed support forum that your customers can use for their wedding sites.

      Using SupportPress you could potentially have an open knowledge base, with support tickets. You’d still miss out on a forum feel though. Interesting ideas. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      July 6, 2011
  13. Well all I can say (and it’s not this theme specific) is I wish your themes had built-in RTL support (meaning appropriate styling) because it’s a little hard to do it every single time. Beside that? it is perfect.

    July 6, 2011
  14. Damn! that’s beautiful! 🙂

    Kate Mag
    July 6, 2011
  15. I just recently bought FaultPress and I’ve been loving every minute of using it. Add to that a theme like SupportPress and i’m in ticket writing support giving heaven!

    July 6, 2011
  16. This looks cool, will you be using it for your own support? That would guarantee this would be continually improved and developed 🙂

    July 6, 2011
  17. Hi,

    looks great – can the theme (and all text including the ones sent by email) be localized with po/mo?


    Ostheimer Webdesign
    July 6, 2011
  18. Absolutely perfect theme for support area. Very nice and slick design. Looking forward to try on our site.

    July 6, 2011
  19. this looks great, jam packed full of goodness. very much looking forward to using

    July 6, 2011
  20. Integration with bbPress would complete this solution! With this addition, I believe this would be a wonderful support solution for Open Source projects…

    July 6, 2011
    • +1 on forum integration. Of course, even without forum support built into the theme itself, it would be quite easy to embed Vanilla Forum or others. However users would have to sign in twice.

      SupportPress is great! Congratulations to the entire WooThemes team for raising the bar on innovation.

      Mark Bailey
      July 6, 2011
    • +500 on Bbpress styling being built in!

      WP for church
      July 7, 2011
  21. Love the look and feel of this and can see it could be a good addition rather than just using a FAQ page. How easy is it to get working across different sites in a multisite install – e.g. could you have users registered at the main site http://www.example.com automatically registered with their same username/password in support.example.com powered by the Supportbase theme?

    July 6, 2011
    • +1 for this.

      Mark Bailey
      July 6, 2011
  22. This is a great theme now I have plans to modify this help desk to become a CRM of sorts with gravityforms 🙂

    July 6, 2011
  23. There is already a product called SupportPress, it’s open source and actually what’s used for support by the Akismet and VaultPress teams. It’s not a theme but uses BackPress.

    July 6, 2011
    • Hey Matt,

      Thanks for popping by. Apologies about the name conflict. I’m just trying to read up on the product, but can’t find much information, apart from it being listed as a “not public” project using BackPress – http://backpress.org/projects-using-backpress/

      I’ll chat with the team and see what we can do given the circumstance. Can you confirm, given it’s a private project, if we should change the name of our theme?

      July 6, 2011
  24. I’d love to see nested Knowledgebase categories. For example, if I set up parent/child categories like this:

    WordPress Hosting
    – Getting Started
    – Themes
    – Plugins
    cPanel Hosting
    – Getting Started
    – E-mail
    – FTP

    They show up in the Knowledgebase Categories list without a heirarchy. It would be great to have them listed in a categoy/subcategory format.

    Mark Bailey
    July 6, 2011
  25. This theme/app is awesome! Can’t wait to try it on some of my projects…

    July 6, 2011
  26. Ahhhh see this is the kind of thing I look forward to! I really hope you guys keep building this kind of WordPress “application” type theme that really pushes the boundaries of what the platform can do.

    I’d just like to add my voice to the crowd asking for email support integration, bbPress integration, the user integration that David suggested, and the nested categories that Mark mentioned above!

    Marius Masalar
    July 6, 2011
  27. Nice touch to have it working well on mobile devices.

    July 6, 2011
  28. At last!
    This application points the way the web has been moving for the past 4 years. The eyeballs are moving to the mobile phone for information.
    I have to use plugins currently to get my sites to be readable on mobiles.
    This theme jumps out of that paradigm.
    Whist I don’t need a support ticket function, Everybody needs the mobile phone read-abilty that this theme offers. Brilliant.
    Suggest that all themes need this functionality.

    Rick Adlam
    July 7, 2011
  29. Always with wonderful themes, this in itself is done by one of the WooThemes great, congratulations for the work.

    And apply for a signature, is still more wonderful

    July 7, 2011
  30. Like many, I’ve been waiting and looking forward to a theme/app like this.

    Question though, what do I need to do to see the tickets on the demo site?

    John Sundberg
    July 7, 2011
  31. I am very excited to try this it would make having one for each partner/client much easier.

    Steve Robillard
    July 7, 2011
  32. I’m really impressed with this SupportPress web application theme. Include email support/integration and this may become a huge reason for many to join the theme club.

    Is there a built in way to add or remove fields?

    July 7, 2011
  33. This looks really promising! This might be something my husband could use to process help requests from his clients in his computer repair and consulting business. I might be able to use it with my current website and webhosting clients.

    When are you going to add this to the playground?

    Melodie Laylor
    July 7, 2011
  34. Very nice Niche theme with awesome functionality! Can’t wait to play around with it.

    Matt Stigall
    July 7, 2011
  35. Christmas in July! I can’t wait to try this out.

    Skyrocket Websites
    July 7, 2011
  36. Is it possible to export stats? Like who’s been submitting the most tickets? Who’s been closing the most tickets? How many tickets of a certain type have been submitted? etc etc …

    Dustyn Gobler
    July 8, 2011
  37. Glad see here any Support – Ticketing system WordPress theme. WordPress is a not blog now! We are going to professional businesses!

    July 8, 2011
  38. Good stuff – this will be a lot more useful to me than faultpress. Thanks!

    July 8, 2011
  39. This looks great! Can it be used to let users only view their own tickets?

    July 9, 2011
    • That’s how it’s setup by default, so yes! 🙂

      July 9, 2011
  40. I love this support press theme. I excited with knowledge base feature. It really save me a lot of time if I using it. Thanks

    July 9, 2011
  41. Awesome Guys!
    My clients often struggle with overly complex support and ticket systems and this is the solution I’ve been looking for!
    Now I can just add a “support” sub-domain for my client’s projects and away they go.

    Email ticket creation would make it even better!

    Steve Dimmick
    July 9, 2011
  42. Happy Birthday 🙂

    Nice new theme – that’s going to make life a lot easier for people wanting a support system! Once again, you guys rock – thank you!!

    Karen Dimmick
    July 9, 2011
  43. Wow – SupportPress looks like an awesome theme with great functionality. I agree with others that email ticket creation would be a much needed feature but not a deal breaker for me. I have yet to find a support app that I like and I love the idea of keeping in WordPress.

    July 10, 2011
  44. This is the most elegant ticketing system I ever seen. Adding ticket submission through email piping will complete the awesomeness 🙂

    July 12, 2011
  45. Thnks! If make to do list, planner(y,m,w) and crm – that will be a best thing for me, because i start project 7effects.net for effictive work online!

    July 12, 2011
  46. Please would you guys consider bringing out a Business Directory theme – Appthemes have been dragging their heels with “Vantage” and f’ing their customers around for more than a year now, with piss-poor release dates. At least with Woothemes, things get done… with excellence.

    July 18, 2011
    • We’re planning on an ideasboard theme next. Perhaps look at a business directory theme in the future but tbh, we don’t really want to step on others toes!

      July 20, 2011
  47. This looks awesome guys, but what about a knowledge base theme to help with self service? We’re looking to implement a knowledge base for university students so they can get the answers to their own questions without having to call in / visit…

    Scott Harris
    August 11, 2011
  48. PS – the search function in the knowledge base doesn’t work well… If I type “How do I modify the layout?” in the search, nothing comes up even though one of the articles is “modify the layout”… the search function should search for any words in the search field regardless of order…

    Scott Harris
    August 11, 2011
    • Sorry about that, will pass a message along. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      September 2, 2011
  49. We are a small PC Support/Tech company, we want to create a help desk support system for dispatching and scheduling. I saw your website and was encouraged to look there by the owner of the company, we were impressed. My question is: can your software what I said above, track calls, schedule calls, my noted of resolution of calls, keep track of customers, addresses, phone numbers etc. This would have a dashboard with calls and time frames and dates? Let me know, we are very interested if this software is capable of this. Hope to hear from you.

    Respectfully Joe Vieira

    September 2, 2011
  50. We are a small PC Support/Tech company, we want to create a help desk support system for dispatching and scheduling. I saw your website and was encouraged to look there by the owner of the company, we were impressed. My question is: can your software what I said above, track calls, schedule calls, my noted of resolution of calls, keep track of customers, addresses, phone numbers etc. This would have a dashboard with calls and time frames and dates? Let me know, we are very interested if this software is capable of this. Hope to hear from you. Sent again, sent wrong e-mail address, sorry

    Respectfully Joe Vieira

    September 2, 2011
    • Joe,

      it unfortunately isn’t capable of doing what you’ve outlined at the moment. You can always post the idea to WooIdeas and we’ll consider it based on feedback. – http://ideas.woocommerce.com/

      Ryan Ray
      September 2, 2011


  1. Say ‘hello’ to SupportPress | Work | James Koster
  2. SupportPress: Customer Support, WordPress Style | Techinch
  3. SupportPress has landed – a sweet support desk theme - Mike Jolley :: Web Designer/Developer

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