Yesterday was the launch of our first Shopify themes. Today sees the launch of something quite different, yet we are equally excited about – our first restaurant/bar specific niche theme called “Diner”.
Diner is undoubtedly one of the most powerful restaurant themes available for WordPress. It boasts an impressive feature list including:

A “Food Menu” custom post type and page template whereby you can add all your restaurant’s food menu items, along with pictures and allow users to view them by price, customer rating (in-built functionality) or name.

A custom built reservation system similar to Open Table where site visitors can book a table at the restaurant, which notifies the restaurant manager/site owner in the WordPress dashboard, and receive email confirmation. The amount of tables, business hours and custom email notifications all of which can be set in the theme options. There are also custom widgets allowing for reservations to be placed from any page. The reservations are also a custom post type.
This was our first project by Matt Cohen, our soon-to-be newest team member and WP developer. Kudos to Matt!

Google Maps integration that allows one to have a dedicated restaurant location page where a site visitor can view a Google Map and get directions to the restaurant all the while not navigating away from the page.

If that is not enough the theme comes with 15 custom woo widgets and 8 widgetized regions allowing you to showcase the staff of the restaurant (i.e. the WordPress users set up on your website), the business hours, the monthly special, menu items and blog news.
Phew! To say it is feature rich would be an understatement. The theme also has great layout/style control and slick, clean and spacious alternate styles to use.
Diner is the culmination of a great team effort. Design by Fresh01, reservation functionality by Matt, and theme development by Jeff.
Find out more on the theme listing page and view the demo here. Constructive feedback is welcome.
This could give stiff competition to your rival.
That’s good! Is it compatible with WordPress 3.0 Network?
Yes. We use WordPress 3.0 multi-site for our demo and it works perfectly there.
Hi Mark,
This question might be a bit off topic, but I’m working on trying to get WordPress 3.0 multi-site up and running for our blogs and I was wondering if you could recommend some good hosting that properly supports multi-site. Thanks.
We recommend http://www.vps.net or you can look here: http://wordpress.org/hosting/
Thanks Magnus!
Another amazing theme! Why do you need any other themes when WooThemes pulls ones like these out of the bag?
Looks impressive. How does the rating work? Are ratings voted for on the site?
Yes, the ratings are voted for on the site. One vote per user per IP per host.
Nice design so far
Can you set a deadline for reservations… like after a certain time that day, they wouldn’t be able to do it?
An impressive theme, and apparently popular as well, for I haven’t been able to load the demo yet!
I had the same problem. Just select it fromt he drop-down at the top and it will come up.
just noticed something, when clicking in the global search box in the footer I see this: (link to image from screencap)
note square corners on search buttons as well
Lovely design and functionality on the face of it, but it looks too much like a blog. It falls down, I feel, on the single.php
That said, I’m sure you’ll disagree 😉
It might help to look at Woothemes from a different perspective. The functionality is absolutely amazing. In many cases, yes, there are better designs (visually).
But, I typically look at each new theme as a framework to build child themes from. And I drool a little with each new release 🙂
Cheers Donald, I just wish I had your vision 😉
I’ve gotta agree…i look to each new woothemes release now more for new functionality and new features more than the design, although the design is nice out of the box.
Perhaps its time to learn how to code you ‘own themes’.
This will pay off in the long one so your not trapped in the Woothemes box.
Our industry is f**ked if self proclaimed web professionals simply download a template and charge the client a fortune for it.
This will not sustain our industry but make it cheap and keep the theme providers loaded!
This template looks like a template/feels like a template and in order to sell it to your client they will need to agree to the way it presents ie the BLOG menu!
If you really want to value yourself and feel like you are a real web professional then get off themeforest and woo and get some experience building your own fantastic themes!
its not that hard 😉
I have coded a ton of my own themes. I have even created my own framework.
However, the functionality in Woo Themes is amazing. Could I do it? Probably. But adding this functionality on a client-by-client basis would be ripping my client off when it is already available.
I’m with Donald… is it good to learn how to create your own themes? Yes. Is it better to find a great framework that is constantly up-to-date without hassle? Yes.
I say, do both, but having something like WooThemes just adds another roomfull of developers in my back pocket. Just sayin’
Very cool functionality guys.
Just as a heads up… one potential bug that I noticed was when you get directions and then hit “email” on the directions results the popup gui gets partially covered by the sites toolbar.
Something new approach in restaurant themes which i’ve come across. Great looking Menus and Location says to start Order Food now…
WOW, that can be used on many ways, so so fine.
Been looking forward to this one! Can’t wait to customize it for the salon industry [making the reservation system into an appointment one]. Keep up the good work!
Yup the reservation system could definitely be tweaked for those requirements.
Correct me if I am overlooking something here but is there a way to limit reservations/appointments ???
This is great functionality but unless there is a way to limit the available slots it’s not really all that useful unless someone has a restaurant/salon etc that has unlimited seating.
Second question, can the form used on the reservation page be easily integrated with gravityforms? if so, at least then I could limit the slots be not allowing duplicate time slots/tables to be booked or something along those lines.
You can limit the number of tables and set the business hours, you also can set what the average sitting is – so there is fair amount of control 🙂
Thanks Mark, will poke around and see how this can work for the salon industry 🙂
Would love to see this concept expanded to create a truly functional community portal on WordPress….business directory, classifieds, entertainment calendar, the whole nine yards.
We are currently working on a directory/listings theme that will be hugely flexible and available for any niche.
Excellent didnt see this comment before i posted below….How exciting!!!
Please please could you consider using your excellent skills to design a directory type theme, i run festivalnet.co.uk on the directorypress theme and whilst very good and popular i know you guys could walk all over it.
Can you have multiple location options in directions?
Currently there is only option for one location unfortunately…
A very exciting theme. I would like to take it on a test drive asap, please make it available in the testing area.
It is available…
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