It sounds like Europe and North America are coming to terms with the fact that the days are becoming shorter and the air crisper, whilst us fortunate ones down south are enjoying quite the opposite – sun and blue sky….
Where was I going with that. Agh yes. Crispy. This one is dedicated to our northern hemisphere friends. 🙂
Crisp is the latest theme to join our growing portfolio of popular tumblog themes that we teased a few weeks back. Ideal for bloggers who love the ease of use of Tumblr, but want the flexibility and ownership of their content on their own WordPress website.
Jeff has been providing continual tweaks to the underlying code of our Tumblog themes after recent feedback from Mr. WordPress himself – Mr Matt Mullenweg. With a new tumblog section added to your WordPress backend once the theme is installed powered by it’s own custom taxonomy, we’ve brought a simple and fast publishing form to your dashboard.

Designed by Tyler Galpin who we discovered on Dribbble and approached regarding this shot, who was happy to continue work on it and release it as a WooTheme.
As always we welcome feedback, provided it is constructive. Find out more about the theme on the theme listing page and view the demo here.

Oops – the link to the demo above the screenshot is tweaked/doubled…
Otherwise, it’s a beautiful theme – very crispy!
Thanks Adam. Fixed.
Very beautiful. Nicely done.
Glad it gets the Carbonmade seal of approval 😉
I like the form editor. 🙂
This is by far the best Tumblog so far imho.
Very clean. Well done.
are the comment threads working?
the horizontal drop down is wicked!
Should be. Was temporarily disabled.
boo! let us see it! hehe great job guys!
very cool theme
I am enthusiastic … One question: can I select the short url-service? On my old articles the short url doesn’t work, is this feature only for new tumblog-posts?
you can use both bit.ly and tinyurl shortening services – check them out in the theme options panel.
I expected this, but I can’t find this option in the theme options panel 🙁
all right. I’ve reloaded the files from the dashboard and now it is perfect 🙂
awesome 🙂
Link to the PSD is sending me to a 404 page.
Wicked! Thanks for yet another awesome theme!
Love it! Love it! Question: is QuickPress the bookmarklet still in development, anyone know? And if so, any plans to integrate the Dashboard module to a bookmarklet? If not, I may just have to take a look at how QP works and see if I can hack together a version myself. The beauty of Tumblr for me is the bookmarklet.
This is really clean and…well…crisp. I love the yellow. I like the width and everything. Pretty Slick!
I had hoped sometimes for a reasonable Newstheme with single categories, but has become it once more a weak Theme without big surprises a pity real.
Greetings from Germany
Sweet theme!
One thing I would love to see in your tumblelog themes that I miss from my Tumblr days is posts without titles. Sometimes an image or quote alone says it all and no title is required.
Even if WordPress requires a title you could include a display/hide title checkbox in the editor. Also an checkbox in theme options to display/hide titles by default.
Should be easy enough, I’ll pass on the request to our developer.
OK, so the brilliant Scribu created this – http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/press-this-reloaded/ – Press This Reloaded (not QuickPress which is apparently something different, I was just confused) last week and I’m now trying to figure out how much work would be required to augment the Woo Tumblr dashboard module into a plugin a la Press This Reloaded.
If THAT can happen, I might actually not switch away from WP for my personal site after all.
We’ll have a good look into this next week Christina and hopefully be coming out with a version 1.x with this kind of functionality.
Oh fantastic! I’m looking into the code too to see how much is involved, but hopefully this is something you guys can implement. If you can, honestly, I think you have a true killer feature for WordPress/Woo.
Looks fantastic! Is changing the background easy?
Yes a very easy change in the theme options. You can add a background image and change the background color.
Hey it’s brilliant!
I setup a blog last week and was looking for a theme but as I don’t “do” coding wasn’t looking forward to the task.
It’s taken me all of about 20 minutes http://www.vickieflores.com/ (had one blog post). The theme options are so clean and easy to understand, just like the theme itself but the only thing I can’t figure out is which colour I prefer!
Thank you – fantastic theme.
Fantastic theme, I convinced my dad to let me use his subscription to get to this 😀
Perfect for a lackadaisical young blogger like myself 😉
Thanks WooTeam!
I’m not interested in any tumblog themes per se but from a design/layout perspective I like this theme a lot. Imo, it’s the best you’ve released for a long time. I would love to see something clean, modern and streamlined like this released as a normal WordPress theme.
I am not a Wootheme staff member, but you can use this theme as a WordPress theme with very little customization.
The tumblr functionality and stuff is more for the ‘blog’ aspects of the template. If you want pages, etc., just set it up as a typical WP theme.
If I am wrong, WooStaff, feel free to delete my comment, just thought I would help!
It was probably a misread on my part, but I thought this was teased as a hybrid of a traditional blog and a tumblog, but there doesn’t seem to that much difference between it and Cinch, etc. I like the webdesign, but I’m not sure why the tumblog themes are not child themes of a single tumblog parent theme. Especially since each of these themes have well resolved webdesigns that don’t beg to be restyled. The approach seems to be to offer nicely designed one-off designs with slight different functionality (Cinch’s fixed nav bar and left sidebar widgets, Unite’s commenting system). I am more interested in hybrids, like combining a gallery/photoblog with a tumblog. That would be an interesting UI problem to take on. Graph Paper Press does some great work in this area, but I prefer the Woo framework.
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