New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

More wonderful weekly WooCommerce wares, WC 1.6, plus a survey & prizes!

Take our survey, win cool Woo stuff!

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WooCommerce has grown at a phenomenal pace since it’s launch last year. At the time of writing we have over 220,000 downloads (we’re averaging around 1000 per day), more than 20 WooCommerce specific themes (including child themes) and over 130 official extensions. We feel this is a fantastic achievement and testament to the huge amounts of effort the team has put in over the last 10 months.

Now that the core product is starting to mature, we want to figure out ways we can bring the most value to our users, either through new themes, new features in WooCommerce core, or new extension. We need you to help us do that. We’ve prepared a short survey that we’d like all WooCommerce users to complete. It will help us paint a picture of the average WooCommerce user as well as reveal areas where there is room for improvement. With this information we hope to prioritise upcoming features / extensions as well as make sure that our internal WooCommerce roadmap is appropriate for our current user base.

The survey itself is a dozen or so multiple choice questions, and probably won’t take much longer than 10 minutes of your time but will be invaluable to the future growth of WooCommerce.


We really need all WooCommerce users to participate, so to sweeten the deal there will be some prizes awarded to random survey takers.

  • 3 random participants will win a Sphero
  • 3 random participants will win 3 WooCommerce extensions of their choosing
  • 5 random participants will win an official Woo Tshirt
  • 5 random participants will win a Woo Ninja plushie
Take the survey!

On with this weeks goodies!

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This week we have 6 new extensions including KISS Metrics, Cart Add-ons and 4 new gateways. There’s also WooCommerce 1.6 update and Table Rate Shipping 2.0.

WooCommerce KISSmetrics

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KISSmetrics for WooCommerce is an integration plugin that adds KISSmetrics tracking to your WooCommerce store with one click. With KISSmetrics, you can visualize your sales funnels and find out which ones are driving revenue and which are not. Start tracking over 24 different events, with 11 different properties and get actionable metrics today.

Developed by Max Rice.

KISSmetrics are offering a special free plan (50,000 events per month) for WooCommerce users. Sign up here.

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Cart Add-ons

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Don’t assume the shopping cart page means the online shopper has finished and is ready to checkout. You should always show cross-sell items, especially on cart views. People access the shopping cart for any number of reasons, and adding recommendations to your shopping cart adds another layer of interest for buyers and helps add value to their buying experience. Most store owners want to get the customer to the checkout process as quickly as possible. However, studies shows show that placing recommendations in the cart have garnered higher conversions versus carts that don’t have recommendations in their cart.

Developed by 75nineteen media.

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PsiGate Gateway

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PsiGate gives you the chance to take advantage of a secure payment system and accept credit cards directly from your checkout page. The customer will never leave your store, he will enter his credit card details and within seconds will be presented with a “Thank You” page on successful payment, and a “Transaction Failed” message on a failed payment.

Developed by Ivan Andreev.

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BluePay Payment Gateway

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BluePay is a gateway plugin that extends WooCommerce and allows you to accept payments via BluePay Credit Card gateway and BluePay ECheck. Each payment option acts as a separate payment gateway, but connects to the same BluePay account.

Developed by Daniel Espinoza.

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SecureNet Gateway

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SecureNet is a plugin that allows you to accept payment by credit card directly on your site using your SecureNet account.

Developed by Daniel Espinoza.

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Allied Wallet Quickpay Gateway

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llied Wallet is a gateway plugin that allows you to take credit card payments via Allied Wallet QuickPay.

Developed by Daniel Espinoza.

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WooCommerce 1.6

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WooCommerce 1.6 has been released today with many tweaks and improvements, a handful of new features and support for Table Rate Shipping 2.

Shop owners will love the bulk actions for changing order statuses, the ability to edit attribute slugs after creation, support for Microdata on breadcrumbs, and a revised rating schema to keep Google happy.

Customers will appreciate the improved backorder handling and the new “verified owner” label for identifying “real” customer reviews.

Developers will be happy to see we’ve removed all instances of query_posts, added loads more inline documentation and revamped the content templates for products. content-product.php can be used in loops making it easier to build your own. Find out more about the template changes in WooCommerce 1.6.

Due to the template changes in 1.6, please backup and run tests before upgrading sites running third party themes as you may run into issues. Notify your theme developer and send them to this article for more information.

Table Rate Shipping 2.0

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Table Rate Shipping 2 is a huge leap forward for us in terms of usability and power. The plugin has been completely rewritten with user feedback in mind. Data from table rates v1 is not compatible, but we know its worth the extra steps to setup. So whats new…

Shipping Zones

Shipping Zones can cover multiple countries and states and can have shipping methods assigned to them. Each customer will be assigned a single matching shipping zone in order of priority, and if no zones apply the “default zone” will be used.

Using zones gives you full control over which customers get which rates.

Add as many table rates as you like

Theres no limit on the amount of table rates you can add, and you can add any number to each zone. This gives you amazing flexibility. You can use table rates for all sorts like this; local shipping, free shipping, weight based, anything is possible!

New calculations and columns in your table rates

Add rates per order, per class, per item, or per row. Use calculated rates for making 1 table equal 1 shipping method, or use per order rates and offer the customer a choice of rates.

We’ve added new columns too; add a cost per item, per weight unit, or even a percentage.

View table rate shipping

Let us know your thoughts about Table Rates 2 and our other new extensions in the comments. We think this week has been great!

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
James Koster Avatar



  1. Dave Porter
    July 19, 2012

    TRS2 Sounds fantastic – in fact it has some features that I assumed were in version 1 🙂
    What is the deal if you have already purchased version 1 ?
    TIA, Dave

    • rgregory
      July 19, 2012

      I’d be interested in finding out if there is a deal for those of us that purchased Table Rate Shipping already as well. It never hurts to ask.

      • Coen Jacobs
        July 19, 2012

        All people who have bought Table Rate Shipping before we released version 2 are given access to version 2 as we speak. It can take a little while because of all the users we need to update, but should be ready in the next couple of minutes.

        We decided to make it a new product because there is no auto update available, unfortunately. So all users making the switch need to do it manually.

  2. deeptitanic
    July 19, 2012

    Excellent drop … for some reason I enjoyed doing the poll as well 🙂

    I’m sorry if this is off topic, but does anyone know of a good way to get stats on which customers have bought what?

    Basically a reporting tool that can list all of the customers who have bought specific products?

    Keep it up guys!

    • Theresa
      July 19, 2012

      +1 for this feature

    • Mash
      July 19, 2012

      You can use kissmetrics for that.

      • deeptitanic
        July 19, 2012

        So the products are courses/workshops and my client needs to see a list of people who have purchased those specific courses as a check list of attendees.

        Does that sound do-able with kiss metrics?

        Thanks for the advice guys!

        • Joe
          August 2, 2012

          @deeptitanic we’re doing the same deal ourself, on a pretty massive scale and i’ve worked out how to automate these kind of tasks as well as possible, i also have some automation scripts i wrote using ruby/watir-webdriver/nokogiri/and the create send api to segment marketing and update our mailing lists with info about products that the subscribers have bought so they can be segmeted and targeted/excluded as needed. shoot me an email if you have a quick question about how i managed to get all those things working together nicely, joeATspektrumtheoryDOTcom

  3. Jason
    July 19, 2012

    When will a MonsterPay plugin be added? I have lots of clients who would love to make use of it!

  4. palPalani
    July 20, 2012

    Excellent drop!

  5. Ivan
    July 20, 2012

    after I updated WooCommerce the plugin “Advanced Ajax Layered Navigation” looks broken. On the frontend of the site I see “Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in …/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-layered-nav/widgets/class-sod-widget-ajax-layered-nav.php on line 36”

    • mike
      July 20, 2012

      Looking into this now.

      • ivan
        July 20, 2012

        now plugin deactivated on my site

  6. Ciaran Whelan
    July 21, 2012

    This is all fantastic, and just love spreading the word of Woo, I bat for woo every time, and answer peoples questions on LinkedIn, swaying all I can to use Woo. But today am still so disappointed to see that the Product Addons has still not been updated to show dynamic update of pricing. a huge issue, and not one I feel that I should have to pay a developer to fix. Please can you add this to the next update.

  7. SV
    July 21, 2012

    When I try to upgrade woocommerce I get the following error:

    Downloading update from…

    Unpacking the update…

    The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

    To top it off it seems (from reading comments) that the upgrade breaks the Ajax Layered Nav plugin … sigh, I am having soooo many issues with Woo nowadays, stop releasing new plugins every week and start focusing on stability …. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!

    • mike
      July 22, 2012

      WordPress’ automatic updates for plugins are nothing to do with us – its either your server or…

      • SV
        July 28, 2012

        actually Mike it was YOUR server as confirmed by a suport ticket I opened for this issue …

        • Joe
          August 2, 2012

          i upgraded fine, of course i’ve extensively modified the theme, so i was in a bit of a shock at the look of the store with the new stuff being moved into a differently formatted template file, but that took all of 15 minutes to resolve. no problems here. *shrug

  8. allmyhoney
    July 23, 2012

    Howdy chaps, I have upgraded to 1.6 wooCommerce and basically the WooDoJo Sidebar extension or Widget Area now shows an error with the compatibility of WooCommerce. The direct result is in the responsive view of my theme the sidebar is pretty messed right now – it extends down the page indefinitely. Might need to take a alook at how sidebars in woodojos is speaking to wooCommerce as they do not seem to be playing nice right now. Cheers

    • Joe
      August 2, 2012

      look for cleared floats, extra or missing closing div tags, a div instead of a closing list tag, ya know the likely suspects for that kind of error. if it still gives you problems, bust out firebug 😀

  9. hossein
    July 25, 2012

    Very good

  10. Brett
    July 25, 2012

    The table rate shipping extension looks great, I’ll have to get it. Is there an extension that allows me to create a select few products that are only shown to specific members I choose? I want to have a couple products that regular visitors can’t see or purchase. Thank you

  11. Firat Dede
    August 15, 2012

    KISSmetrics are offering a special free plan (50,000 events per month) for WooCommerce users. Sign up here.

    Mr This campaign is for limited time or Wıll It Contiuine everr time?

  12. Aaron
    August 17, 2012

    It would have been nice if the new woocommerce update DID NOT default to the “ship to billing address by default” as opposed to the settings I had saved. Now I have packages going to the wrong places and a bunch of angry customers.

    Thanks a lot


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