Fellow WooCommerce developer & ninja, Coen, probably won’t be happy about today’s title, but heck, it’s impossible to have fun without stepping on the odd toes every now & again… Our title is obviously referring to the Dutch football team’s amazing ability to literally drop the ball (at the ongoing Euro Championship) and we’ll use their example as inspiration for our very own WooCommerce drop today. 🙂
In the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen WooCommerce breaking new ground. Not only are we fast-approaching 200 000 downloads, but we’re specifically pleased by the fact that we now have more than 100 extensions that expands on WooCommerce’ core functionality in such a way that it becomes a great solution across most industries.
One of the biggest reason’s for WooCommerce widespread adoption has been our focus on supporting as many payment gateways as possible, since this makes WooCommerce accessible to a global audience. So we’re specifically chuffed to continue that trend today with 6 more payment extensions and the integration of Mijireh into the core (more on this later). Here’s the low-down on the new extensions & WC core updates…
Variation Swatches and Photos
↑ Back to topUsing color and image swatches provides a much nicer way to display the available colors of a product, available styles, available sizes, or pretty much anything else that you can display using an image or color.
This plugin lets you define images for attributes globally or on a per-product level which will be shown on the front-end variations add to cart form.
Developed by Lucas Stark
PayPoint.net gateway
↑ Back to topPayPoint.net is a leading online payment provider, which focuses on providing simple and secure payment solutions to bussiness of all sizes.
Using Paypoint.net you will be able to accept all major credit cards including Visa, Visa Electron, Master Card, Maestro, American Express, Switch, Solo.
Developed by Ivan Andreev
ePay.bg payment gateway
↑ Back to topePay.bg is the a leading Bulgarian online payment system. It allows you to pay for orders using debit with BORICA logo, credit cards, Visa and Master Card, or using an ePay.bg micro account. ePay.bg accepts payment in Bulgarian Lev (BGN), Euro (EUR), and US Dollars (USD).
Developed by Ivan Andreev
USA ePay
↑ Back to topUSA ePay is a plugin that allows you to accept payment by credit card using your USA ePay gateway.
Developed by Daniel Espinoza
Sofort payment gateway
↑ Back to topSofort.com is one of the most famous online banking payment providers in Europe. Customers can easily transfer their cash with their online banking account via sofortueberweisung.de.
Developed by themekraft
CyberSource eCheck SOP
↑ Back to topThe CyberSource eCheck SOP Payment Gateway handles all the steps in the secure checking account transaction while remaining virtually transparent, significantly reducing the scope of ACH compliance.
Developed by Justin Stern
Realex Payment Gateway
↑ Back to topRealex for WooCommerce is a gateway plugin that allows you to take credit card payments via Realex directly on your site. With Realex you can accept payments from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Laser, Switch and Diners Card.
Developed by Justin Stern

Aside from fixing several minor bugs, and performing over 30 tweaks and optimisations we’ve added a few new features in 1.5.7 which you should enjoy, including more filtering options for the products in admin, a menu count for pending orders, an ajax-powered coupon form on the checkout and a brand new gateway called Mijireh.
You can view the full changelog for 1.5.7 here.
Mijireh Checkout Integration
Mijireh is a PCI compliant hosted checkout which supports a growing list of payment gateways including Stripe, Authorize.net, PayLeap, Paypal, and Braintree.
With the bundled Mijireh/WooCommerce gateway, getting started with Mijireh is a breeze; just go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateways to get set up.
Amazing, finally a WooCommerce release named after me (in some way)… 😀
This one’s all you Coen. 😉
Anyways, another awesome WC drop!
Cool! WooCommerce is the fastest growing e-commerce software I’ve ever seen. The most dynamic too! Thanks for everyone’s work.
We’re very excited to welcome the Woo crew into our world here at Mijireh. Our support is ready and standing by to help answer any questions you may have. 🙂
Quick question, do we need to use the woo payment gateway plugins with Mijireh or there’s no need?
Hi Naweed,
No, if you use Mijireh, you do not need to use any payment gateway extensions with WooCommerce. Mijireh supports many payment gateways through its hosted checkout page. The payment gateway configuration happens inside of your Mijireh account instead of inside of WooCommerce.
Here are a list of current payment gateways supported by Mijireh, with many more coming soon: http://www.mijireh.com/docs/payment-gateways
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the swift reply John. Just signed up to Mijireh and already find it awesome!
When might you be adding Google Checkout and Payza?
Buying and selling will be much more simplified, cant wait to use it live!
We are definitely looking into adding support for Google Checkout in the future and I have added Payza to our list to investigate as well. In the meantime, PayPal Pro or SagePay (UK) might be a good option for you, both of which we support in Mijireh.
Thanks and let us know if we can help further!
1 last question because I’m in a hurry. Is the checkout page responsive?
Yes, it is indeed! Our default “stacked” checkout page is a responsive checkout page. But don’t forget, using our Page Slurp technology, you’re checkout page can look identical to the rest of your website as well. This gives your customers a seamless checkout experience, but without you having to worry about PCI Compliance.
Oh, forgot to include a link explaining our unique Page Slurp technology. 🙂 Here you go: http://www.mijireh.com/docs/what-is-page-slurp
That’s awesome John, thanks again for your help! Really can’t wait to use it now.
What a great WooCommerce drop! Stoked to see Mijireh in there.
These look great. Still anxiously waiting on Shipworks plugin!!! Any ETA?
ShipWorks Pro for WooCommerce is available right now over at IgniteWoo.com. Works great, fully automated, easy install.
And what about 2 themes monthly? 😀
Soon. 🙂
REALEX – super super super 😉 this made my day haha.
That’s what we like to hear!
Thanks for the incremental drop today! However, there is still a huge gap in the product for many of us–recurring payments. Just the simple ability to support a recurring donation payment. What I cannot understand is that when I have asked this question, I can’t get a straight answer. I was told several weeks ago by one of the gateway plugin developer that it was coming in “days”–still nothing in this area. Please listen to your customers on this one.
We have an extension in the works that should partly solve this need. It’s being audited at the moment and will hopefully be released soon. 🙂
Note though that recurring billing is generally very tricky and also very specific to the payment processor in question. So there’s no “easy fix”.
Hi Adii,
Great to read!
Have you considered integrating spreedly or cheddargetter?
I dig it all, but seriously how many payment gateways do we need?
Recurring payments, gift certificates, woocommerce for listings, memberships, and other functional extensions would make my Thursdays happier 🙂
Cause you know, it’s all about me and you guys don’t have enough on your plate 😉
I’m with Dave! and I love you guys too!
+1 for recurring and basic membership like content restriction
None of the features of WooCommerce are needed if we don’t offer every viable payment gateway to try and cover everyone’s needs! 😉
I know we were auditing a recurring payments extension, but I’m not involved with the development of this and where it stands currently. I unfortunately can’t provide a solid answer there. 🙁
For gift certificates, you imagine customers being able to purchase gift certificates to your store for others to use right?
Listings is planned, just not enough hours in the day to get to a re-worked theme.
Finally, memberships means protected content and recurring payments to you?
I’m glad you understand we have lots on our plate, but we still want to know what needs you have directly too. 🙂
Yep yep,
I would love it if a customer could buy a gift certificate, email it to someone via my site, and then the lucky recipient could visit the site and make their purchase(s?)
Do you guys have a guesstimate on the listings theme?
Any chance you could incorporate a little google maps magic in the listings upload page while your at it?
I would love it if a user could fill in their street address and magically it shows up on the single listing page as a google map…
As for my membership dream i think its a little different than your proposal as i don’t care about the recurring side of this. I would just like to be able to sell a password/membership that expires in x amount of time. With no concern for protected content either.
My dream for this is to have a customer buy their membership, and then use their email as their password when they visit a physical location and use it to log in.
As for the gateways i guess i just dont really understand the difference(s) other than perhaps region and rates. To me they just seem like they all do the same thing. 🙂
Thanks again for being awesome!
Not sure if this one is still active or not – but http://woocommercesubscriptions.com/ looks promising 🙂
very interested in this – looks promising indeed.
Yes! I would love gift certificates. I would also love to see wish lists and I really need to be able to have more than one download per digital/virtual product (this is the biggest thing I need right now).
Thanks for all the great work! Love seeing all the great new things.
I’m really interested by the Mijireh integration. It’s really cool to see all of the bases been covered.
I’ve heard people who where against the whole idea of eCommerce on WP because of the PCI compliance stuff, so that’s another box ticked!
I’m just trying to think how to bring this up with clients – if Mijireh are taking a cut no matter how small I have to. The assumption is that “of course” the process is 100% secure already, has anyone else had this conversation?
If said wrong it could sound like an ultimatum … “Use this service – or your shop is under attack!” 😉
Lookin’ good Woo!
Hi there, I can help answer some of that. The sad truth is that a vast majority of online stores using WordPress are in fact NOT PCI Compliant, no matter what shopping cart plugin you are using. Most people think that having SSL is a enough to be PCI Compliant. Unfortunately, that is not the case at all. In fact, SSL is only a very small part of what is required to have a PCI Compliant checkout page for your store.
Of course this is an uncomfortable topic to discuss with clients, but staying on top of what is required to keep your clients from paying hefty fees for quarterly security scans and potential fines seems important.
All of this is covered in more detail in this article about PCI Compliance. It is a MUST READ for all merchants that run an online store using WordPress.
What you need to know about PCI Compliance – http://www.mijireh.com/docs/what-you-need-to-know-about-pci-compliance
A hosted checkout solution is where most people turn in order to avoid dealing with PCI Compliance, but Mijireh is the ONLY hosted checkout solution which provides a seamless checkout experience by making the checkout page look identical to the rest of the WordPress theme for the website.
Hope that helps a little! 🙂
Hi Joey,
In your experience, is it also common situation outside of WordPress? The sites I’m building are mostly small business replacing their old CMS. I suppose many of them already aren’t compliant.
It could sound better as a security “upgrade” perhaps.
Anyway, just thinking aloud. Cheers!
Yes, it’s actually a pretty common situation overall. Most folks don’t really know what it means to be PCI Compliant, which is somewhat understandable giving how confusing it can sometimes be! But with WordPress quickly growing into a very popular e-commerce platform, we’re mostly focused on educating those folks. Mostly because WordPress hosting itself tends to be done via shared hosting which alone can cause issues with being PCI Compliant.
Also, if you’re interested in building custom integrations we do have a fully documented API and even a PHP Library which can be used to build custom solutions on top of the Mijireh platform.
Happy Coding! 🙂
Nice color swatch extension. This was needed and I’m happy to see it. Thanks.
Very welcome Tim, thanks for letting us know you’ll be putting it to good use. 😉
Stunning line up in this update and extensions. I love the swatches, very nice.
HOWEVER… I was hoping the update to PRODUCT ADDONS would have been done in possibly this time. I keep checking every week, and keep crossing my fingers.
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