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Central Stock for WooCommerce

Synchronize the stock quantity of your products across a WordPress Multisite Network — your stock is always up-to-date in every store.

Dealing with several shops while having just one physical warehouse? Central Stock for WooCommerce automatically synchronizes all product stocks in your Multisite shop network ‒ no more manual updating!

Synchronize Your Product Stocks

With Central Stock for WooCommerce, the stock quantities of products get synchronized automatically across your Multisite shop network via their individual SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). So, when a customer buys one of your products, the respective stock display is updated accordingly in all shops.

Click here for a full list of Central Stock for WooCommerce features.

Benefits of Central Stock for WooCommerce

Developed for Multisite Shops

We created Central Stock for WooCommerce on top of a powerful core feature of WordPress: Multisite ‒ the same feature that powers millions of sites on With Multisite, you can create an unlimited network of connected shops that can be easily managed in one single WordPress installation. 

Click here to learn more about the WordPress Multisite feature.

Built for WooCommerce 

Central Stock for WooCommerce uses and enhances the core features of WooCommerce, so this Plugin runs smoothly without disrupting existing settings and technology. Central Stock for WooCommerce also works perfectly with the WooCommerce features Backorders and Negative Stock.

Optimized for MultilingualPress 3

Are you planning to build a multi-language solution? Then Central Stock for WooCommerce and MultilingualPress are the perfect combination! Use both Plugins together to build a highly flexible multi-language shop system ‒ without any performance loss!

Future-Proof Code Architecture

Central Stock for WooCommerce was developed and gets steadily improved by the Syde expert team. Since 2006, we develop WordPress solutions according to our own strict Code Codex to grant users highest quality and reliable results. 

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