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Elta Courier Voucher for WooCommerce

Vouchers (shipping labels/tickets) are made easy with Elta Courier. It helps you create, cancel, and track your orders, making your life and your customer's lives easier.

  • Create vouchers
  • Print vouchers (single or in bulk)
  • Cancel vouchers
  • Track vouchers
  • Send automatic emails to customers with order tracking numbers
  • Create a voucher automatically when an order is marked as complete
  • Support Multiple Instances (You can use multiple credentials)




What credentials do I need?

You should request credentials for Elta Courier web services by visiting your local Elta Courier branch, calling (0030) 210-607-3000, or sending an email to

Is Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) required?

Yes, SOAP must be installed and enabled on your server. Most hosting providers have already enabled SOAP. If yours has not, you can contact the provider directly and request enabling.

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