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Events Manager for WooCommerce

Enable and manage bookings and tickets with Events Manager, pay for them with WooCommerce!

Sell and Book Event Tickets as WooCommerce Products

Harness the power of the Events Manager WooCommerce Add-On extension to display events and sell tickets on your site. The extension also allows your site to accept bookings for those events using our extensive booking features and functionality. Combine this with WooCommerce to streamline your payments and combine orders with additional products on your site.

Events Manager — WooCommerce Add-On makes the best of event-specific features and optimizations to be sure your events are easier to manage and professionally displayed, using calendars, maps, search filters, booking restrictions, and more. 

Customize your ticket offerings

With Events Manager — WooCommerce Add-On, you will have complete control of the display and behavior of your events, locations, taxonomies, and bookings via extensive settings and formatting options.

With Events Manager — WooCommerce Add-On, synchronized event tickets as WooCommerce products can be added to carts and linked to order bookings. Manage subsequent bookings in EM and payments made in WooCommerce.

Enjoy advanced functionality

  • Customized layouts optimized to display events, including listings, calendars, maps, and grouped events.
  • Event-specific searches using our search forms, including date ranges, geographical searches, and more.
  • Advanced booking management, including:
    • Event-specific booking forms
    • Booking status management
    • Booking confirmation emails (automated)
    • Capacity management
  • Full display control

Use WooCommerce payment features to pay for bookings made with Events Manager. Make the best of an event-specific extension for creating and managing bookings with features such as booking approvals, automated, customizable booking emails, booking cut-off times, multiple ticket types, attendance monitoring, and more.

The extension is compatible with the free Events Manager plugin available on, updated and maintained regularly. Fully extendable by developers to add any extra event-specific functionality you require. Additional add-ons are not required to accept payments. It will work with any of our other add-ons to enhance functionality.

Make your events stand out on your site and allow visitors to purchase your products and bookings in one seamless checkout experience with the Events Manager — WooCommerce Add-On extension.

Short description: Sell and book event tickets as products with the Events Manager — WooCommerce Add-On extension.

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