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Featured Listing for Product Vendors for WooCommerce

Featured Listing allows vendors to highlight their products in the featured section and give them the right exposure.

Being a part of a multi-vendor marketplace means more competition and fewer opportunities to make a sale. Featured Listing for Product Vendors allows vendors to highlight their products in the “featured section” of the shop page and boost its sales. Marketplace admin can set the global price for listing the products of vendors in the featured section. Furthermore, they can also decide the time the products can be displayed in the featured section.

Vendors can use this add-on to increase the visibility of any specific product for a specific time/campaign by paying an amount for the same. Vendors have to pay separately for each product they want to highlight, so they can decide exactly which product to highlight and when!


1. For Marketplace Admins

  • Creates a bond with vendors.
  • Encourages more vendors to join multi-vendor marketplaces.
  • Admins retain full control over what will be featured.

2. For Vendors Of Multi-Vendor Marketplace

  • Increases product visibility in the competitive marketplace.
  • It provides an enhanced opportunity to earn more and spread brand awareness.
  • Vendors can choose which product to highlight and when.
  • Increases conversation chances with marketplace admins.



1. Propose paid listings: 

This add-on allows marketplace admins to offer a paid listing option to all their eCommerce marketplace vendors.

2. Set Pricing and Duration: 

Marketplace admins can specify the fee to enroll products as featured and the length of time the same product can appear in that section.

3. Restrict Number of Listings: 

Marketplace admins can set the number of products that can appear in the featured product section at a time.

4. One-click Purchase for Vendors: 

eCommerce vendors can use the paid listing option with a single click on the “Pay Now” button available on their edit product page.

Note: For Implementing the functionalities of ‘Featured Listing For Product Vendors’, you’re first required to purchase the extension “Product Vendor” from the WooCommerce Marketplace.


For More Information:

Visit the Featured Listing for Product Vendors Documentation to learn more about the features and working of the plugin. If you need support or have questions kindly submit your query

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