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Phone Orders and Payments for WooCommerce

by  99w
Manage phone orders and take phone payments within the order dashboard.

Manage phone orders and take payments via virtual terminal and/or card machine terminal

Extends the order management functionality of WooCommerce to allow you to mark orders as by phone, take payment within the order screen via your payment provider’s virtual terminal and/or card machine terminal, filter orders by phone and more.

Upon taking a phone payment you can set the change order status to processing and set order notes with terminal and transaction details upon order save. You can also enable a phone payment option for customers who may want to place an order online but call to pay.

Read on to find out why you should use Phone Orders and Payments and the great features included…

Paula, an eCommerce store owner said:
“The phone payment popup within the edit order pages makes taking phone payments easy. 🤙”


  • Mark orders as by phone
  • Take phone payments via virtual terminal and/or card machine terminal
  • Enable/disable payment by phone option on checkout
  • Display phone instructions to customers during checkout/order completion and on order emails
  • Easily copy and paste customer billing/shipping details for use in virtual terminal(s)
  • Phone order notes can be automatically added during entry/edit and include terminal and transaction details
  • Phone order statuses can be assigned automatically after payment
  • Filter orders by phone or non-phone

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To take phone payments with this extension you’ll need a payment provider which has a virtual terminal, a card machine terminal, or both. It is recommended you check with your current payment provider if they offer a virtual terminal. If they do not then you can continue to use that payment provider for your non-phone payments and then use a separate payment provider which offers a virtual terminal just for processing phone payments.


Get these great features for your store…

Mark orders as by phone

When you add or edit an order you can mark the order as by phone, you can filter the order list by phone orders too.

Take phone payments

Take payment via your virtual terminal and/or or card machine terminal using the buttons in order details.

Phone payment checkout option

Enable or disable phone payment option during checkout, customers then phone to pay, the order is already marked as by phone.

Generated order notes

Upon phone payment order notes are optionally added including the name of the virtual/card terminal and the transaction ID.

Payment instructions

Orders made via checkout using the phone payment option display payment instructions on the order confirmation page and emails.


The extension includes lots of settings allowing you to configure virtual terminals, card machines, payment instructions and much more.


See the extension in action…

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Example usage

Anthony manages a WooCommerce store selling power tools, a number of his customers work on site and they find it easier to phone in with their orders. He can simply add/edit an order in the dashboard, mark the order as by phone and then take payment for the order via his virtual or card machine terminal.

More information

  • Read documentation for an overview of the settings, options, frequently asked questions and more
  • Contact us if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help

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