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Product Specification Table for WooCommerce

Create and display product details in tables on product pages with Product Specification Table for WooCommerce.

  • Works for simple and variable products
  • Easy to create and use the Product Specification Table
  • Multiple field types supported[i.e Text, Radio, Select-box, Image, Hyperlink & more] in the attribute creation
  • Create multiple Specification Tables for a single product
  • Table elements can combine into groups, and you can use them across multiple tables
  • Shortcode for displaying the Product Specification Table
  • An option to Hide the Product Specification Tab when the Shortcode is used to display the Specification Table
  • An option to hide certain attribute(s) of the respective Group(s) in the Product Specification Table while configuring it under the product
  • Sorting supported for the Attributes in the Group, Groups in the Table and Attributes of the respective Table under each product configuration
  • An option to bulk update to assign Specification Table with products
  • An option added to display the Specification Table when clicking the link
  • An option to Hide the WooCommerce Specification Table display when the plugin’s Specification Table is available in the Product
  • Highly customizable

Display Product Details in a Table

Product Specification Table for WooCommerce allows you to create and display product details in tables on the product pages.


Reduces cart abandonment

Customers can view all product details so they can complete their purchases without hesitation.


Your customers can easily view all product details and make their purchase decisions accordingly.

How does it work?

Group configuration

The first step in creating a Product Specification Table is making the Groups available. With Groups, you can bundle multiple table elements (attributes) in each Group. Use created groups later to create any number of tables.

Group Configuration

Attribute configuration

  • Attributes are elements that display in the Table. One or more attributes can link to a Group.
  • The following type of fields supported in the attribute creation,
    • Text
    • Select
    • Radio
    • Text Area
    • Checkbox
    • Hyperlink
    • Image
Attribute Configuration

Table configuration

Within this section, you can create Tables by selecting the available Groups and its attributes. You can sort the selected Groups as per your preferences. This sorting is helps in the Table value display when it is selected under the respective product configuration.

Table Configuration

Linking tables to products

  • Once you have created the Groups, Attributes and Tables, assign the tables to products.
  • Create a New Product or edit an existing product.
  • In the General section of the product configuration, select the Table you want to display for this product under the Select a Table option.
  • Once you select the Table, all the attributes linked to the Table will display in the same order you have configured.
Configuring Table on Product Page
  • You can change the Attribute Values as per your need for this product and Publish it.
  • You can hide the specific attributes as per your need for this product using the respective field which is available under the Hide Attribute column.
  • You can sort the attributes as per your need for this product using the sort field which is available in the respective attributes.
  • To create a second table, click on the Add Rule button and repeat the process.
  • Once the changes have been saved, the Product Specification Table will be displayed on the selected product page under the Product Specifications section.
Product Specification Table Visible on Product Page

Update the Specification Table in Bulk

Bulk Update Settings
  • If you want to update the same specification for more than one products or products of a specific categories, then you can achieve it using the Bulk Update settings.
  • Select the Eligible Products/Categories using the Product Filter & the respective specification Table under Bulk Update settings and click the Bulk Update button.


Minimum PHP version: 5.6

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