New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

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Up-Sells and Cross-Sells For Variations for WooCommerce

Upsells and Cross-Sells for Variations empowers merchants in providing the upselling and cross-selling functionality at variation level separately.

Up-sell and Cross-sell at the Variation Level

Research shows that up-selling and cross-selling boost sales and reduces cart abandonment.

The Up-Sells and Cross-Sells for Variations plugin allows you to customize the promotion of products for individual variations.

Without the plugin, you can only promote the same products for all variations in a group.

With the plugin, you can promote different products for each product variation. If you sell a t-shirt that comes in many colors, you can promote different products for each color.

For instance, if you sell a t-shirt that comes in black, white, navy, and pink, you could currently only promote products related to that whole group.

With the Up-Sells and Cross-Sells for Variations plugin, you can promote black pants, black shoes, or a black watch with the black t-shirt. For the other colors, you could offer different product options.

Customize your up-selling with each variation and dramatically boost your sales.

How it works

  • When a variation is selected, the customer sees the related promoted products for the variation.
  • Promoted products related to variations also display in the customer’s cart.
  • The customer has two opportunities to see promotions related to product variations.


  • Add up-sell products for individual variations
  • Add cross-sell products for individual variations
  • Modify the up-sells product query to rearrange items in order by title, ID, date, modified, menu order, or price
  • Modify the cross-sells product query to rearrange items in order by title, ID, date, modified, menu order, or price
  • Change the number of columns for the up-sells listing section
  • Change the number of columns for the cross-sells listing section
  • Modify the heading text for the up-sells listing section
  • Change the heading text for the cross-sells listing section

Up-Sells general settings


Options in Up-Sells Settings

  • When up-sells are not selected for variations, you can choose to display up-sells for the parent product
  • Define up-sell titles
  • Define the number of up-sell columns
  • Set up-sell item limits
  • Set up-sell item order by ascending or descending
  • Set up-sell item orders by criteria like the item’s title

Cross-Sells general settings

cross-sells general settings

Custom cross-sell setting options

  • Define cross-sell titles
  • Define the number of cross-sell columns
  • Set cross-sell item limits
  • Set cross-sell item order by ascending or descending
  • Set cross-sell item orders by criteria like the item’s title

Up-Sells and Cross-Sells for Variations

up-sells and cross-sells at product window edit page

Store owners can configure the Up-Sells and Cross-Sells for Variations at the variations edit tab.

Frontend view of up-sells for variations

up-sells frontend view

Frontend view of cross-sells for variations

cross-sells frontend view

How to get started

  1. Buy Up-Sells  and Cross-Sells For Variations.
  2. Download and install the extension. You can find the installation guide.
  3. Activate, set up, and configure the extension.

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