Highlight relevant products, offers like free shipping and other up-sells during checkout.
Offer free or paid add-ons and service at checkout
The WooCommerce core checkout process covers all the basics needed to place an order, but what if you want to accept tips, offer gift-wrapping, or let customers add a gift message to their order? That’s where WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons comes in! With Checkout Add-Ons, you can add free or paid options to your checkout page. You can add several different types of fields based on your add-on type – text fields, radio buttons, file uploads, and more!
Here are just a few ways that you can improve your checkout with Checkout Add-Ons:
Accept order tips, using percentage-based fees
Offer upsell or free services like shipping insurance, company stickers / swag, or rush handling
Add gift options, such as messages, gift wrap options, and gift receipts
Configuring Checkout Add-Ons
Add-ons displayed at checkout
What can I do with Checkout Add-Ons?
Checkout Add-Ons offers lots of features to let you customize your checkout experience:
Create many custom field types to cover many different uses – text, text area, drop-downs (i.e. select fields), multi-selects, radio buttons, checkbox, multi-checkbox lists, and file uploads
Add option fields for add-on services and upsells (does not support inventory management)
Optionally add fixed-amount or percentage-based costs based on how customers interact with the field
Create conditional add-ons that appear or change based on factors like cart subtotal, products in the cart, or the value of another add-on
Dynamically update order details and total at checkout as options are selected or modified
Supports WooCommerce Subscriptions by adding add-ons to the initial purchase and, optionally, to renewal orders
Customers can view selected add-ons from order detail pages and emails
Admins can sort and filter the WooCommerce > Orders page based on add-ons and their values
Saves selected options and uploads, even if customers browse away from checkout
How to Get Started
Buy this extension 🙂
Download and install into your WooCommerce store
Create some order fields under WooCommerce > Checkout Add-ons
That’s it! Sit back and enjoy using your shiny new checkout fields!
If you need to only add fees or add-ons when a particular product is purchased, we recommend the Product Add-ons extension.
Need any more reason to buy? When you purchase a SkyVerge-developed extension, you’re getting the highest quality extensions for your WooCommerce store. Gain peace of mind by knowing that when you purchase our products, your store’s performance is as important to us as it is to you.