In their quarter of a century existence, HSM has discovered that being different is the key to success. Since 1990 they are specialized in the distribution of software and hardware solutions and their integration in the company’s’ business environment. In 2016 HSM decided to go down eCommerce lane.Building a webshop for them was quite a challenge. We had to cleverly sort and present 4000+ products via 100+ search filters. And we did it with 4 distinctive elements:
Massive product catalog is always a challenge to filter and sort. Our interactive solution came in the form of a 2 step wizard where users first choose their own role and then their type of product usage. With these interactivities, we can reduce several thousands of products to just 20 or 30 of most important ones. Instant buying for all sorts of users!
Business segments
Main product segments in HSM are integrated throughout all of the content on HSM360 portal. Additionally, all of the segments are color coded making it really easy for users to find and buy products from their segment of choice (whether it’s software, projectors, video equipment or custom consulting). All of the product segments join products with their connected blog posts and articles.
News section
HSM shares knowledge in every way they can. Conferences, seminars, workshops and various events need a special section on their web portal. Main Hero unit on the homepage is tightly connected to automated news carousel making news and activities extremely visible and easy to consume.
Modern eCommerce needs to take every possible user device into consideration. The portal is adaptive for any user screen, device or orientation with special care taken for large HD screens. The thing is that HSM market is geared towards creative individuals who stroll through the shop on their smartphones, but finish their buying on retina displays! We took care for both of the environments making checkout work in all situations. Whether you are clicking your mouse or tapping with fingers. In order to gain equilibrium you have to get your things sorted. With such an abundance of products, HSM had to forge a unique webshop. Now it rules them all