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Soothing Scents

Soothing Scents

The Soothing Scents story goes all the way back to 2004, when nurse anesthetist Wendy Nichols began blending essential oils in her kitchen as an alternative way to help her patients deal with nausea after surgery. “It was distressing to see so many of my patients suffer from nausea and not be able to offer something that didn’t cause unwanted side effects, which many medications do,” says Nichols, who used her decades-long background in medicine to find a solution that was medically safe, and scientifically sound.

What began as a home remedy quickly became a standard hospital supply, and finally, a growing business. Together with her brother, Roy Nichols, Wendy founded Soothing Scents: a small but big-hearted establishment that produces essential oil inhalers designed with the safety and science that healthcare environments demand. Today, their flagship blend QueaseEASE is used in over 1,000 hospitals and thousands of homes across America, by expectant mothers, boaters, nervous air travellers, road trip enthusiasts, deep sea divers, frequent flyers, chemotherapy patients, and those looking for a natural way to achieve mental focus and a better way to relax.

Combining the healing powers of natural remedies with contemporary research and over 30 years of clinical medical experience, Soothing Scents bring it all together in a versatile inhaler designed with your lifestyle in mind.