Can I apply to become a WooExpert?
We removed the application process as of May 2017. We only consider companies as potential WooExperts after working with them on a client project, during community involvement, or on WooCommerce core contributions.
What does WooCommerce look for in a WooExpert?
The decision whether to offer WooExpert status is entirely subjective, based on first-hand experience and collaboration. If your code is of consistently high quality, and you engage positively with us and the client, we may choose to invite you to become a WooExpert.
How else can I build a profile in the WooCommerce space?
The best accreditation comes from establishing a good reputation within the WooCommerce community. Get involved in your local WordCamp or WooCommerce Meetup as an attendee, a volunteer, a speaker, a sponsor, or an organizer. Share your work with the community by releasing plugins or posting useful code snippets. Or contribute to the open source project by helping with translations, reporting and patching bugs, and participating in core development.