‘When customer add his adress the Google maps API give you the distance between me and my customer
Could Woocommerce use the travel time as well to include in the total of time needed to do the job AND the travel.
Example: job time 1h at the customer house
– customer enter his adresse, it’s 50km away 1h travel time, customer can book a slot of 3h ( go, work, back)
Last updated: March 26, 2021
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We use booking to handle our transportation bookings. It would be nice to be able to ensure they’ve booked enough time to complete the booking, if not, alert the customer more time is required.
What’s happening is they’re completing the purchase and a lot of times we have to refund the booking (and eat the fees from the payment processor.)
In the United Kingdom, life is both simple and amazing. As in Canada, obtaining immigration and settling permanently is not difficult. Working hours and public holidays are also very flexible. The cost of living in Canada is affected by its surroundings. On the other hand, weather conditions in Canada are extremely limited. It is quite cold, and one of the most difficult aspects of settling permanently in Canada is that it has higher unemployment rates. Here is full guide https://howyoumatter.com/cost-of-living-in-canada-vs-uk/