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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Ability for Customers with a subscription to update their credit card exp date and CVV

At the moment if you have a subscription, you can’t delete the payment method – this means there is no way to update a credit card expiry date if the credit card number is not changing since the Woocommerce Bambora plugin only allows add and delete but no edit function for the saved credit cards. As a vendor I get no value for a customer having an expired credit card on the subscription – we now have to do these manually after multiple customer interactions


Current Status


Last updated: November 16, 2020

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  1. Shawn Wyatt says:

    I’m very surprised there is no way to update the expiration or CSV without canceling the subscription! We are actively looking to replace the plugin if this cannot be fixed.