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Added by Marketing - Russell L

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Xero for WooCommerce

Save time with automated sync between WooCommerce and your Xero account.

Add a bulk update option for sending invoices to Xero and also sending payment to Xero

instead fo having to go into each order individually add a bulk update option for invoices and payments to Xero for historical orders.


Current Status


Last updated: May 28, 2020


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  1. lynchcoffeecogmailcom says:

    please i think this ccan be added very easily please do so

  2. Peter says:

    You can already do this in the Xeroom WooCommerce to Xero plugin.

  3. Claire Chabrieres says:

    This is a very basic feature that is lacking causing even more manual work for users

  4. Nick Venables says:

    Assume there is no update here? We have 1000’s that have not been sent across due to a coding oversight by the developers of these plugins

  5. Ryan says:

    How has this not been done. I have 478 orders that need to be sent to xero.

  6. eduardo says:

    The plugin has glitches I have +270 invoices I now have to push ONE BY ONE! Not nice!