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Product Bundles for WooCommerce

Offer personalized product bundles, bulk discount packages, and assembled products.

Add button to Enable/Disable Product Bundle Item

When a user creates a “Bundled Product” and goes into the “Bundled Products” section to add/remove products from their bundle it would be very helpful to have a little “enable/disable” checkbox. this way if one product is out and we do not want it displaying in the bundle, it can simply be disabled and re-enabled when the product is back in stock and available for the bundle again.

Currently the item has to be deleted from the bundle for it to not appear in it. This is an inconvenience in itself, but when dealing with a product that is variable with variation restrictions in place rebuilding these is tedious and more likely to lead to an error when done repeatedly.


Current Status


Last updated: March 1, 2018

1 comment

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  1. stevebas16 says:

    Would be really nice, I have the exact need right now