Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Address fields not required for virtual products (store offering physical products and virtual products)

Some sites offer both virtual and physical products.
In this case, the postal address fields are systematically required for the buyer.
But these fields aren’t useful if the customer is only buying virtual products… and that hurts conversions.
So I think it would be interesting to add a feature to not ask for the address in the billing part of the order form if there is no shipment.
A few plugins allow this to be done, but all of the ones I’ve tried have an error (described here: arising from expected behavior for digital products.



Current Status


Last updated: March 28, 2023


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  1. procca says:
    Product developer January 10, 2025 12:34 am

    “If they have a voucher to get it for free I’d like to remove the pain of having to put in their address for a digital downlad.” – This makes sense as a free digital doesn’t go through payments processing thus shouldn’t require any address. The same requirement for a paid product and risk management isn’t present.

  2. procca says:
    Product developer January 10, 2025 12:30 am

    “An address is required for processing card payments, isn’t it? This is the billing address. It’s used for confirming the card details for fraud prevention and other security purposes. When I have digital products, it only asks for billing address and not shipping address.

    This is correct. Shipping is not required but for fraud checks, especially merchants and/or gateways doing Address Verification, personal information such as a postal code are part of the overall risk assessment and protecting merchants from chargebacks.

  3. Graham Melville says:

    If they have a voucher to get it for free I’d like to remove the pain of having to put in their address for a digital downlad.

  4. backcourtdev says:

    In the classic checkout it’s possible to remove fields with a PHP snippet. Here’s an example from my plugin that gets rid of the address for free orders. You could tweak it to remove the cart total check:

    However, this won’t work for the new block-based checkout as that only just recently got extensible and I haven’t figured out how to do that part yet.

  5. martinrightinternetmarketing says:

    Most payment options do not require a billing address. On my setup I have some specific funnels for digital products and they supress all the address fields on Woocommerce checkout and it is working great. And even if there are some plugins as workaround, I think that should be core and allowing those fields to be optionoal, depending on product, shipping options and maybe even payment methods used (maybe not even needed).

  6. admin528e6b49c8 says:

    An address is required for processing card payments, isn’t it? This is the billing address. It’s used for confirming the card details for fraud prevention and other security purposes. When I have digital products, it only asks for billing address and not shipping address.

  7. mailchef says:

    important feature but free plugins available for that so better vote for other functions to implement.

  8. sarasteeleart says:

    It should be optional

  9. voleyotros says:

    Not only for virtual products, but also for “PickUp” options, or other mothods that do not require filling up and address. Maybe check box on the shipping method “requires shipping address” ??

  10. openorigin1 says:


  11. Ulf Nomark says:

    I fourth the request :). It seems very strange that this isn’t already available, must be many stores that have both physical and digital products :).

  12. Steve says:

    I third that request!

  13. Melinda Measor says:

    I second this request! I get a lot of feedback from customers that are not thrilled about needing to provide their address while checking out a digital product.