Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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AutomateWoo - Refer A Friend add-on

Boost your organic sales by adding a customer referral program to your WooCommerce store.

Let admins add referrals manually

If an order is already created allow referrals to be created for the order manually.


Current Status


Last updated: June 26, 2018


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  1. Syed Raza Ali says:

    Dan Bitzer: Why so slow in releasing this feature ? its really demanding, no way to add refferals manually and manual credit from admin to individual advokat or reffered customers!

  2. Dollar Tea Club Admin says:

    Dan Bitzer: Any ETA on this feature? I see it was marked as planned since 2018 but just want to follow up and make sure its on the roadmap and will be rolled out sooner than later

  3. James Shulman says:

    This would be a great feature to the added. Often times, customers forget to use the referral code and email shortly after regarding manually adding the credit for them. Currently, this is not possible and we have to send a partial refund to the referral as well as the advocate instead 😔

  4. Refined Impact says:

    Will this work for existing subscriptions as well? Would be ideal if this worked for renewal orders that may not have been created yet!

  5. Dan Bitzer says:

    Marked this feature request as Planned