New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Follow-Ups for WooCommerce

Automatically contact customers after purchase - be it everyone, your most loyal or your biggest spenders - and keep your store top-of-mind.

Be able to insert order details using one variable / shortcode

Hi there,

Now I can insert some of the details of the order in the follow up emails using variables. But there isn’t a variable for every order data. I want to insert ‘VAT type’ because I have items with different VAT types and amounts, and I want to display these separately. I want to show coupon discounts used during order, etc. If I use the default WC emails, I got everything in the order completed emails. It would be good to be able to insert the same order details into follow up emails as well. Best would be if there were one variable/schortcode that we can use to insert all the same details as we get in a default order emails. (So it contains only the details that have something to do with the current order, but no more (I mean if there were no discount applied to the product then it doesn’t show an empty discount field.)



Current Status


Last updated: May 23, 2017


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  1. pjrobertson says:

    This makes the follow up extension barely usable for me, and I’m surprised it’s been 4 years without implementation.

    What I would like is something like the {cart_contents} variable, to show an orders info. A table with columns for ‘Picture’, ‘Product’, ‘Qty’, ‘Price’ and ‘total’. In fact, this seems to be a standard format for the ‘Order Received’ email from the Woocommerce core, so how hard would it be to make it into a variable?

    Please implement this!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have been having this issue with my sizing variable. For some reason it is not showing up in my follow up emails making me have to go back and email the customer to ask them what size they need, even though it does ask customer upon ordering, it does not show up in my order invoice email.