Currently, Bundled items, when “Priced Individually” can only be output with a % discount. There are many instances where a simple $ discount would be easier to input. For instance, a $49 item being sold within a bundle at $29 needs to be inputed as Discount % 40.81632653. It would be faster to have a Discount $ option and simply enter $20.
Last updated: April 11, 2017
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in Finland discounted from 140 to 99 Euros* , sorry.
We have eCommerce on multiple currencies, e.g. a bundle product can have a price
in Finland 140 Euros
in Sweden 950 SEK
in Norway 970 NOK.
I have been using discounts like % 29.28571428 to have the price in Finland discounted from 140 to 90 Euros, but then the prices (which are synchronized) for other currencies show like 671,78 SEK and 685,93 NOK. Terrible.
Many solutions probably exist, but good option would be as suggested below:
perfect option would be to have 3 options:
-overwrite price instead of discount
-% discount
-value discount
There could also be a rounding to nearest -feature.
Very much hoping for this feature.
perfect option would be to have 3 options:
-overwrite price instead of discount
-% discount
-value discount
or an override price instead of a discount