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Added by Marketing - Russell L

Catalog Visibility Options for WooCommerce

Transform WooCommerce into an online catalog by removing eCommerce functionality

Catalog visibility + Wishlists compatibility

Make the Catalog Visibility compatible with the Wishlist plugin.

The Catalog Visiblity plugin is not compatible with the Wishlist plugin (both provided from WooThemes Extensions)

Our client doesn’t want to sell online, but needs to have the wishlist as users will add items to wishlist, print their wishlist and go in store to get the items based on their list.


Current Status


Last updated: July 29, 2013


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  1. J. says:

    We need this ability too, I’ve seen some mentions of this in the forums as well. I agree that the ability to use Wishlists in lieu of purchasing ability is a worthwhile option, while the store is live and they are not taking orders online. A website should be able to allow customers to create wishlists so they can come into the store at their location and buy a gift for someone using their wishlist, rather than losing potential customers.

  2. Justin says:

    ‘+1 for this idea. We need the options to schedule an appointment, print the wishlist (including thumbnails and summary or even full list of features), emails, “have someone contact me”, etc.

  3. Phil says:
