Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Powerful marketing automation for WooCommerce. AutomateWoo has the tools you need to grow your store and make more money.

Choice of message stream when using email delivery services like Postmark

We are told it’s important to separate marketing emails from transactional, by using a different sending email, and different message stream (broadcast or transactional) when using email delivery services like Postmark or Mailgun.

BUT… there is no way to choose the message stream to use in workflows. Checking “transactional” should have an option to enter the ID of a message stream when using Postmark or similar. Please add this so we can correctly use email delivery services for both transactional and marketing emails selectively.

If anyone can shed light on this, please comment.



Current Status


Last updated: February 13, 2024


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  1. Hans says:

    Does AutomateWoo add anything to the email that indicates whether it’s transactional or marketing? If it does, then it would be possible to send them using different streams with the WP Mail SMTP plugin, as per:

    The bit that I’m missing, is how to detect what type of message it is from inside the filter.

    Of course, it would be much easier if AutomateWoo could support this natively.

  2. Hans says:

    This is also something that I want. Postmark definitely provide that ability:

    I’m just not sure how to make plugins like AutomateWoo choose the appropriate one.