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Facebook for WooCommerce

Get the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin to reach your customers across Facebook and Instagram.

Correction needed in Facebook for Woocomerce plugin

Hi Support Team,

I have been using this extension ‘Facebook for Woocomerce’ for quite some time.
I am facing issue of product sync to catalog.

What I observe it that when we mark the products out of stock, at the same time its status is automatically change to ‘Do not sync’. Due to this the stock status is not get updated in facebook catalog because it is marked as ‘Do not sync’.

So, basically all the products in facebook catalog shows in stock even after they marked out of stock on website/woocomerce.

I feel this is an anomaly, because as a Seller I want that whatever the products are got sold out, should market sold out in Facebook Catalog too, so that they are not advertised.

I believe, in this extension it is coded as, once product got stock out it status change to ‘Do not sync, Instead of this if you can mark it ‘Sync and hide’ or ‘sync and show’, this should help the website owner.

Please see if you can help with this.



Current Status


Last updated: April 4, 2022


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