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Xero for WooCommerce

by  Woo
Save time with automated sync between WooCommerce and your Xero account.

Create Multiple Sales Account Code options – a no brainer!

There is currently only the option to add ONE Sales Account Code for the Xero account to track sales.

Any reasonable sized ecommerce site uses more than one Sales Account Code for different categories of products.

Currently this does not work for us. We have 4 different Sales Account Codes. So because the plugin allocates every item into one single code, we have to then manually open and adjust each item within each invoice that is generated in Xero via the plug in. This is becoming unmanageable for us now.

You have got separate account codes for fees, rounding and shipping so surely it would be easy to offer an option to add 2 or 3 extra sales code options? Thanks


Current Status


Last updated: September 15, 2021

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  1. poochiepark says:

    completely agree we have multiple sales codes and it is time consuming re coding everything