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Zapier Integration for WooCommerce

Automated marketing & order fulfillment for WooCommerce stores. Zapier integration with 8,000+ apps, no code.

Customer Order Status Trigger

Option to trigger based on custom order status. Currently, only native WC order statuses are supported (wc-on-hold, wc-completed, etc..).

Would be much more useful if I could trigger could be built on custom order statuses with ‘wc’ prefix.



Current Status


Last updated: September 5, 2023

1 comment

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  1. OM4 Software says:
    Product developer December 6, 2023 3:37 am

    Hi distinctiveinteriorsgroupgmailcom,
    The current workaround for this is to use a multi-step Zap that uses the Order status changed (any status) Trigger Rule, along with a Filter by Zapier step that filters on the Status status.