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WooCommerce Pre-Orders

Allow customers to order products before they are available.

Deposits for Pre-Orders

The Woo Commerce Pre-Orders plugin allows you to charge an optional pre-order fee. Unfortunately, it is only charge on top of the regular product price and can’t be deduced from the full paiement. Because of that, this pre-order fee can’t be used as deposit.

One option would be to lower the product price so the product price + the pre-order fee equal the final product price. If the price is $100 and I want to charge $25 upfront, I could indeed set the price to $75 + $25 of preorder fee. That could work if the displayed price includes the fees, either $100 or $75 + $25. But it does not and the displayed price is only $75. The fees are only mentionned once in the product description: “This product has a $25 pre-order fee”. It therefore looks as hidden fees (that most clients despice) instead of simple deposit.

It is too bad because a real deposit feature would be a real upside for this plugin!

Thanks a lot for reading!



Current Status


Last updated: December 24, 2024

  1. thisissandipmondal says:

    This feature has been integrated in WooCommerce Pre-orders. You can read about it in the documentation:

  2. deemaandco says:

    agree – dposits needed

  3. martinmodd says:

    Exactly the same thoughts here. This should be the default function, the pre order fee should never be charged on top of the total product price.

  4. Miller Media says:

    Its been over 3 years and still not implemented! The feature should have been included on launch.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Come on man ~ Partial payment / deposit supposed to be included in the “pre-order” feature.

  6. anonymous says:

    Yeah i agree 100%

    I dont understand why this wasnt already a feature – making a small deposit on a preorder and paying the rest on release is hardly a new thing in the world! Its even more frustrating that there is a woocommerce deposits plugin but its not compatible … *sigh*