New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Google for WooCommerce

Promote your products across Google - from Search to YouTube and beyond. So you can reach the right customers to make the most of your peak season.

Duplicate eventss datalayer

After a couple of meetings with an official Google Tag Manager technician, he told me that we have detected that the Google Listing and Ads plugin generates a very simple datalayer, which, together with the GTM4WP datalayer, duplicates events. The problem is that the GTM4WP datalayer is considered by Google technicians to be official and more complete. The Google Listing and Ads datalayer is NOT.

The Google technician suggested that I contact you, the Google Listing and Ads support team, to request the functionality to enable or disable the datalayer generated by your app, so that we can choose whether to use it or not. Could you please add this functionality to enable or disable the datalayer?



Current Status


Last updated: July 10, 2024

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  1. shakoor979932fa113c54 says:

    I agree with you in every word you said and wrote. My website is also affected by this matter, and I am certain that there are many who did not notice this matter. I hope that the support team will look into the matter urgently.