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Zapier Integration for WooCommerce

Automated marketing & order fulfillment for WooCommerce stores. Zapier integration with thousands of popular apps, no code.

Early Form Submission for Email Capture

There are currently lots of tools on the market which do this, and integrate with WC, such as:

• CartHook
• Jilt (by SkyVerge)
• AutomateWoo
• TycheSoftwares “Abandoned Cart Pro”

But all of these tools are bulky and bloated, in that they aim to solve marketing automation as well. (All I wanted was email capture, let me handle my own marketing automation!)

It would be nice if WC would develop a lightweight extension to capture email addresses from email form fields prior to submission. That way, the address could be accessible and usable by whatever tool you use for marketing automation: be it Zapier, MailChimp, Drip, whatever.

Let’s do this!


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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