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Custom Order Status for WooCommerce

Improve your order management by creating additional order statuses. Manually or automatically assign order statuses and keep your customer informed with automatic email notifications.

Exclude products from automation rule


We have a scenario where orders containing only one class of product must be applied a given status; this rule is implemented with Priority ‘1’ and no delay

However, orders which contain these items *as well as any unrelated items* must remain in the default status.

In this case, I’ve added a rule which searches for the unrelated items only – but does so within the Status which the former rule was assigning orders to. This has a 5-minute delay and a Priority of ‘2’.

As a result, we have realized this will lead to one of two problems:

1. Assuming the order rules are applied each time an order has its status changed, the second rule will lead to the first rule being re-applied.

2. Assuming the order rules are only invoked once the order is placed, the second order rule will only work within five minutes of the order being placed, which means our Staff have to constantly monitor the scenario and act very, very quickly.

The solution we’re asking for – which will work in either case – is simply to have a field in our Dashboard which allows us to specify “excluded” products.

We’d like the rule to be invoked when “Included Products” contains one of the items we’re focused on, and only as long as an “Excluded Products” field contains any other items in the order.

Thank you so much,
Adam Laughlin (on behalf of Shawn Jason)



Current Status


Last updated: November 15, 2023

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  1. Addify says:
    Product developer November 15, 2023 7:29 am

    Hi Adam,

    Thank you for reaching out. We really appreciate your input and respect the time you have spent to register this feature request.

    We do like this suggestion and would be happy to add it in our extension. We are requesting you to please reach out to our support team using the following link,

    The team will work with you to develop this feature and later on make it a part of the extension for future customers after detailed testing.


    Team Addify