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WooCommerce Accommodation Bookings

Book accommodation using WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Bookings extension.

Feature Request: allow flexible minimum number of nights

Minimum number of nights allowed in a booking is currently fixed to one field (e.g. 1 night)

It would be great if it could be possible to be able to add Minimum number of nights according to dates – e.g. December 20th – January 10th: minimum number of nights = 2


Current Status


Last updated: February 16, 2016


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  1. rtpharry says:

    Developer solutions are limited. I’ve done a lot of code to modify this plugin but I’ve had to sacrifice or replicate various functionality. There is only really one filter (woocommerce_bookings_calculated_booking_cost) which is called at the end of the price calculations, which has all the various factors already totalled into a single price. If you just want to discount a part of it like the room rate or something then you have to recalculate the entire price, which is like 270 lines of code above it.

  2. Saskia Lund says:

    This request is 5 years old.. whats the meaning of an ideas board, when noone cares?

  3. Alejandro Frías Díaz says:

    I have the same problem, the plugin is so good in the other features. Any one knows any developer to do this customization or any other plugin which solve this?

  4. Dave Adams says:

    This is the primary reason I am not using WooCommerce Bookings at the minute. It makes complete sense for this feature as seasonal businesses often have differing minimum night rules. The plugin does everything else I need!

  5. Mike says:

    YES – came here to post this idea. Not surprised it was already here – seems so obvious and applicable to almost every accomodation vendor.