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Store Catalog PDF Download for WooCommerce

Offer your customers a PDF download of your product catalog, generated by WooCommerce.

Generate Whole Store PDF with Store Catalog PDF Download

Add the ability to generate a PDF of the stores whole catalog from a sites admin area that could then be used as a pre-made catalog for download.



Current Status


Last updated: September 29, 2022


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  1. Talitha Etsebeth says:

    yes please!!

  2. borja rodriguez says:

    I have this module but it doesn’t show me product images. Can you help me?

  3. BDX Propaganda says:

    Gostaria da impressão completa de todos o catálogo.

  4. Anke says:

    yes please! I urgently need a decent plugin for different clients that can download the entire catalog of an online store and single product pages on the other hand! There are a lot of plugins thgat promise to do this but they don’t work properly!

  5. Cunhie says:

    I was also led to believe that this plugin will create one pdf of the entire catalogue – I need this for 350 to 4000 products – any update on this woocommerce?

  6. Joe says:

    Thank you for this post. Found it very informative.

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  8. [Deleted User] says:

    Definitely would love to be able to do this!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’ve purchased the plugin thinking this was an option already, very disapointed.
    Need this desperately

  10. jasonmac_75 says:

    Admin function to download whole catalogue as well as option to show download button to registered customers only for wholesale usage.

  11. Jamie Grove says:

    Is it possible to make it work on the search pages

  12. Anonymous says:

    Like others, I really fell for the misleading description on this extension. And even if it did do what it says it can, there aren’t enough trees on the planet to print out the pdf.

    I have 2 test products on the store and the PDF ran to 4 pages with lots of wasted white space.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Also concerning that Woo don’t even appear to be interested in this thread 🙁

    After a conversation with chat they have admitted that the images at least on the Extention’s page are wrong.

    Fixes are not going to happen so it might be an idea for us all to review the Extension before another person makes the mistake of buying it 🙁

  14. Nice One! says:

    Hellllllooooo WooCommerce!!!?

    It seems you have forgotten about the existence of this plugin altogether. The support I have received has been terrible, your staff barely even know of the Store Catalog PDF Download’s existence!

    Feature request: Allow the Header to be printed on EVERY page, not just the first page

    Plugin Bug: There is always a blank page attached to the end of the PDF. Think about the trees and the environment come on!

  15. Becki says:

    I came looking for a plugin that would catalog my whole store. I have wholesalers who want to have our entire product offerings to show their customers. It would make it easier for them to take their customers orders, then order from us.

    My understanding is it’s not available as it would slow our sites down. Could an option be built in that we could toggle whole versus page on and off? So we can turn it on when we need the entire store, but shut it off when it’s not needed.

  16. Lionel says:

    I would like to generate the entire store catalog with Cover and customization of each page.
    Also the PDF generated could be cached in order to used it after without a new generation.

    Should be compatible with Swatches and Photos also

  17. Anonymous says:

    an entire store catalog PDF is needed

  18. Anonymous says:

    My client wants a complete catalog for his use – it could be on a password protected page or somehow available for logged in users only.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I would like to be able to print off a copy of my pdf catalogue to distribute in rural areas near where we operate that have either extremely limited internet access or very slow speed…. believe it or not, there are still areas like that !!!!! crazy I know 😛

  20. Anonymous says:

    I would also like to be able to pdf my catalogue by category – is that possible?

  21. birdseed says:

    My client wants a complete catalog for in-store use. I have looked EVERYWHERE.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Need this desperately

  23. Marta says:

    That is actually what I was looking for…

  24. Scott E Royalty says:

    This is actually what I was looking for, and the description lead me to believe it could do it. Turns out, it doesn’t.

  25. Rodrigo Malagon says:

    Yes, generating the whole store pdf would definitely a great feature