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UPS Shipping Method for WooCommerce

Get shipping rates from the UPS API which handles both domestic and international parcels.

have the total box dimensions shown in the order for UPS

Currently, the total box dimensions for the UPS order are not shown. We’d like to make this information visible on the order shipping line.

For the FedEx Ground WooCommerce plugin, this information is already shown. We essentially want the UPS plugin to mirror the FedEx plugin in this regard.


Current Status


Last updated: July 16, 2018


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  1. Shannon Wilcox says:

    This is a critical piece of information for the shipping department, so they can be sure that they use the right box and get the same rate as calculated by the plugin. Please add this to Orders data or display on New Order email.

  2. moldngold says:

    I would also like to see the rate meta data added so package information from box packer is displayed in the order details like your FedEx and USPS extensions.

  3. Thomas Stanley says:

    This is important information to have. We already provide the box dimensions we use to the plug-in. Presenting the recommended box size on the order supports the efficiency of the packing and processing work flow.