Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

Product Icon, a Visa solution for WooCommerce

Online payments leader, a Visa Solution, helps thousands of businesses simplify payments by offering more solutions, more support, and more strength to stand on.

High Performance Order Storage

Please make the plugin compatible with the new WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage.


Eric Caldwell

Current Status


Last updated: May 23, 2023


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  1. v8roadsters says:

    We need to update its services and plugins to be HPOS-compatible to continue scaling our growing business. As a “leader in online payments” we need’s support to provide us with minimum industry best practices. As someone commented a year ago, we could use some of the solutions, support, and strength mentioned in your description to address the HPOS compatibility problem asap.

  2. sdishmanbrightlink says:

    HPOS is now the default as of WC 8.2, and we rely on for all of the stores we set up. This now causes an issue where we have to do custom configuration to disable HPOS on new stores, just to use the plugin. It would be extremely helpful if you could address this soon.